Mark 9:23 continued

“‘If you can’?” said Jesus. “Everything is possible for one who believes."


Bible Verses and Images by Subject


…life and death, the blessing and the curse. So choose life in order that you may live, you and your descendants, by loving the Lord your God, by obeying His voice, and by holding fast to Him”.

Many of us have failed to receive the abundant life He died to give us because of our lack of faith and our ignorance of His Word, His promises in the Bible.

What we don’t know can hurt us. What we discover, learn and receive from Christ and His Word, the Bible, can save us. It’s up to us. Let’s choose LIFE!

We have access to all of Jesus—mind, body and soul. What in your life could be radically different if you began to believe that you are pure, as Jesus is pure—in your thinking, your emotions, in your body, your past? We ARE pure in Him!

Peace and Inner Healing

As our knowledge of Jesus grows so does our realization of His power living inside us. It takes time, but as our faith and knowledge grow as we pursue Him in prayer and study of the Bible, our life gains healing. You can have an inner peace you never knew was possible.

When we become spiritually healthy, we can experience health in every area of our life, which includes our emotional and psychological health—what we believe about ourselves.

As we begin to heal from scars and wounds from our past, then we can begin to experience healing in our relationships. You may discover you have had wrong beliefs about your spouse, or someone close to you. We don’t even know we’re spiritually sick until we discover the truth. There is such power in the truth, in spiritual health!

Study the Bible verse of Mark 9:23 and the entire story in chapter 9. As you travel on a journey of faith with Christ, let Him lead you on an amazing adventure of miracles.




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