Acts 4:12 (NKJV)

Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.


Bible Commentary

Acts 4:12 is a popular Bible verse that points the way to salvation. Let’s take a look at Webster’s definition of “salvation”: deliverance from sin and the penalties of sin; deliverance.

Sin is a very real thing and the penalties of sin even more so. We feel the effects of sin and its penalties in the world every day. It can be difficult to believe in a place like heaven because we see evidence of a fallen world.

I can’t help but think of the stark contrast between a scene of crystal clear ocean water with white sandy beaches and a dark and murky stagnant pool of water. Living in the murky water of this world, we yearn for the pristine beauty of the pure water.

Again, salvation is the deliverance from sin and the penalties of sin. It is the pristine and serene environment we so desperately want. Acts 4:12 points the way to this salvation.

Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.

A Name We Can Relate To

I remember a lesson my husband taught a few years ago, when he said something I didn’t know before. He said back in the days of Jesus, His Name was very common—Jesus. You would think as the Son of God, He would have a unique name. After all, there was no one like Him.

In this same lesson, my husband taught that Jesus came to relate to man. He became a man so He could relate to us, and we could relate to Him. Maybe that’s the reason for the common name Mary and Joseph were instructed to give Him.

It’s easier to learn from someone who has something in common with us. Maybe they’ve experienced the same symptoms or trouble we have been through, and it forms a common bond. We believe them because we can relate to them. God made the way for us to believe His Son.

So “Jesus” is the name people can relate to. “Christ” is the name people bow to.

Unlocking the Truth – Man and Deity

Yes, Jesus was a man, but He was also God. We can’t forget that. It is His Deity that has the power to save us.

We talked about The God of the whole earth in our recent study of Isaiah 54:5. As our Creator, God has the power to breathe life into us and form us from the dust of the ground, and the power to send His Son from Heaven to rescue us from sin and all the penalties of sin.

However, we must be careful to respect the Word and Ways of the Lord. If He says Jesus Christ is the only name by which men can be saved, then it is so. He created the universe and everything in it, so He has the final say in how things will be and how things are.

We either choose to believe Him and abide by His Word, or we dismiss it and choose our own ways. Only the truth remains. Everything else falls away. Sometimes, that’s what it takes for us to choose to turn to the Lord in humble submission to His ways and His Word.

We can relate to the man, Jesus. He felt pain and suffered anguish at the hands of sinners, just like we do today. The man in the body of Jesus died upon the cross. But the Deity of Christ arose from the grave. Hallelujah!!

We have a common bond in the man of Jesus. We have life and resurrection in the Deity of Christ. What in your life needs resurrection today? Is it your marriage, your desires, your business or work, your physical body?

Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.

Study the Bible verse of Acts 4:12, bond with the sufferings of Jesus and be saved by the Deity of Jesus Christ.

More Bible Verses about Salvation

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