Psalm 89:16 (NASB)

In Your name they rejoice all the day, And by Your righteousness they are exalted.


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Bible Commentary

Psalm 89:16 is a Bible verse that speaks of the fruit of having a close and personal relationship with God.

On this side of Heaven, we cannot fully grasp the majesty, wonder and power of God’s Great Name. Only when the heavens are opened and we truly see by the bright light of Jesus will we truly receive a proper understanding of the greatness of His Name.

However, those who walk with Christ and enjoy a close relationship with Him grow in reverence and awe of God and His Name as they mature in knowledge of Him.

It is truly a privilege and an honor to gain understanding of the power of His Name. The words of men fall so short in trying to explain it, but by the power of the Holy Spirit we can gain first-hand experience and knowledge as He reveals it to us.

When we seek and thirst after the knowledge of God, we will surely find it. (Matthew 7:8)

Unlocking the Truth – Focus on the Cross

Psalm 89:16 says In Your name they rejoice all the day. We know that “they” are those who know the joyful sound of His righteousness and truth (from Psalm 89:14-15).

Righteousness and justice are the foundation of Your throne; Lovingkindness and truth go before You. 15 How blessed are the people who know the joyful sound! O Lord, they walk in the light of Your countenance.

Isn’t it wonderful that by walking in the light of the Lord’s countenance we know His joyful sounds? We might not always hear them in the chaos of the world, but in the still, quiet times with the Lord we do.

As we listen and hear the joyful sounds of His righteousness and truth, we gain a deeper knowledge of Who He is, and we rejoice in His Great Name. There is nothing so peaceful, clean and restful as the righteousness of God.

He deserves every bit of reverence and awe we can give Him, and so much more. His Name is holy, honored and cherished in Heaven. And so it should be here among His people.

The last part of Psalm 89:16… click to continue reading


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