Psalm 62:5 (NKJV)

My soul, wait silently for God alone, For my expectation is from Him.


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Bible Commentary

Psalm 62:5 is a Bible Verse where King David reveals the secret of success about his relationship with God the Father.

When we’re in an uncomfortable position, we instinctively try to re-position ourselves. If we have a cold, we go to the medicine cabinet. If we’re hot, we adjust the thermostat. If we’re cold, we grab a sweater.

This is also true in the more important aspects of our life. If we hate our job, we might look around for a different one. If we’re short on money, we look for ways to make more.

But wait.

Did we consult God before we acted? Not that we need His permission to make ourselves more comfortable, but maybe He is trying to reveal something to us in our discomfort, which might be a permanent solution and not just a temporary one.

This is what King David is doing in his discomfort and distress. He says in Psalm 62:5,

My soul, wait silently for God alone, For my expectation is from Him.

He is actually talking to himself because most likely he was just like us. He was inclined to try and solve the problem himself, but he learned through his relationship with God that God would provide what he needed when he needed it.

The Tools We Need

When he was a young shepherd boy out in the fields, he discovered that God gave him the strength and the tools he needed to protect the sheep when a lion or bear tried to attack. He had what he needed when he needed it. He learned how to trust God in those uncomfortable situations.

Before we jump to make a move out of a difficult position, let’s look up to God and give Him a chance to reveal the gift He wants to give us. It could be a permanent solution that pales in comparison to our very temporary one.

He operates in the spiritual, and we must consult Him in the spiritual. As Christians, the Holy Spirit lives within us and is eager to help if we only ask Him. The solution to our problem is supernatural, if we’ll only train our hearts and minds to access the Power Source within us.

David said My soul, wait silently for God alone…

He knew that God alone was the answer. His expectation was from Him, and not something or someone else.

If we seek God first, as the Bible clearly commands, then all these things are added to us. (Matthew 6:33)

What we think may be impossible is possible with God.

What we dismiss as unbelievable is believable with God.

When we’re hanging on by a thread, His is the everlasting arms.

When we’ve given up, He never will.

He’s still there, waiting for us to wait on Him, to put our expectations upon Him and not someone else. This alone will relieve the tension in our relationships and lift the burden off our shoulders.

Say it out loud.

My soul, wait silently for God alone, For my expectation is from Him.

Study the Bible verse of Psalm 62:5, and wait upon God.



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