Philippians 4:4 (KJV)

Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say, Rejoice.

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Bible Commentary

Philippians 4:4 is a popular Bible verse from the New Testament where the Apostle Paul encourages us to always rejoice in the Lord. When we’re going through a difficult season in our lives, this is a very difficult verse to hear, and even more difficult to do.

Personally, I used to skip over it quickly when I came to it in my reading. I didn’t want to hear it because I couldn’t do it. I was in a place of distress, hanging on by a thread, doing my best to believe His promises and stand firm in them while walking through a dark valley.

Having faith was as much as I could muster at the time. I didn’t want to hear anybody telling me to be thankful and much less, rejoice. I was desperately looking for the fulfillment of God’s promises. Then I would sing with thanksgiving and rejoice all day long…when I was free. Free from the burden of oppressive situations, free from oppressive people, and free from guilt, fear and judgment. I hated the darkness and all I could think about was getting out.

So rejoice?   ….no

Fixing It

If we could just find the problem of why we’re going through the valley, we would fix it. Like a car in need of repair. Diagnose the problem and replace the broken part and it will run like a charm.

But life isn’t that easy and neither is our walk with Jesus Christ. About the time we think we’ve got things figured out—we got a breakthrough when we prayed a certain prayer, the “right” way or the right amount of time, did this good deed or that good deed–but then we get a curve ball and none of those things “work” anymore.

Sometimes we can be doing everything right, and the problem still doesn’t get fixed. We come to find out it’s not because of what we did or what we didn’t do. We just find ourselves in a dark valley. It doesn’t make sense. We think there should be a reason. When we find the reason then we can fix it (or have control over it). But God shows us that we really don’t have ultimate control over our lives. If we’ve given our lives to Him, He is the One in control.

That should give us comfort, but just like an instant case of claustrophobia, when we discover we have no control, it causes us not to rest, but to panic!

Unlocking the Truth – Joy Cometh in the Morning

Oh, the wonderful and mysterious ways of the Lord. He’s not trying to torture us, but to help us trust Him more. That’s where ultimate freedom is. That’s where ultimate health is. That’s where His comfort is. That’s where steadfast love is, and the peace that passes all understanding.

In the rest of His strong, safe, loving embrace.

He loves you and He loves me. We are His children and He delights in us, and He delights in our trust in Him. When we stop trying to fix things, control things and “make things happen” and release our cares to Him, His love can then enter into all those places we’ve been holding onto so tightly.

When we can trust God enough to utter a sincere “thank You for what You’re accomplishing through this difficult situation,” it’s amazing how quickly He can change things. What felt like a dark and lonely valley before is somehow brighter and easier.

Psalm 30:5 says, “…weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.”

We must remember and know His faithfulness in our lives. It may not happen when or how we want, but He is faithful and righteous in all His works.

Psalm 111:7 The works of his hands are faithful and just; all his precepts are trustworthy;

It is all for our good and for His glory. Praise the Lord. Let’s rejoice in Him!  Study the Bible verse of Philippians 4:4 and learn to rejoice in the Lord.


Verse of the Day


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