Matthew 11:28

Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 


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Bible Commentary

Matthew 11:28 is a famous Bible verse where Jesus invites us to come to Him for rest of the mind, heart and soul.

Isn’t it interesting that Jesus says He will give us rest, like rest is an object to be handed to someone? When we think of rest, we are most likely thinking of physical rest–sleeping or relaxing on a comfy couch or recliner.

Some of the Greek meanings of “rest” are: to repose, remain, to refresh, take ease and rest. So it certainly does mean physical rest in our bodies—from work or activity.

But going deeper into the Greek meanings, we also see: to stop, restrain, quit, desist, come to an end – cease, leave and refrain.

Is there something in your life that you would love to have “rest” from? Maybe it’s a financial burden, a stress-filled relationship, pressure at work or school or just a burden of responsibility that doesn’t seem right. We would love to have it “come to an end” or “to stop”.

Deep Rest

This kind of rest goes farther than just a physical rest. This is a rest of the mind and soul. Proverbs 17:22 says, “A merry heart does good, like medicine, But a broken spirit dries the bones.”

In a sin-cursed world, we have departed from God’s proper order of living in righteousness. Family relationships and the God-ordained way of living and providing for our families have been twisted “like a deceitful bow” (Psalm 78:57).

Whether we realize it or not, there is a great strain on relationships and our way of making a living. In the spiritual realm, what was once a beautifully woven tapestry has been turned into the chaotic threads of daily living—just getting by (Deut. 28:15-68).

But Jesus Christ came to restore the God-ordained order He designed for us—in the spiritual and in the physical. When He gives us a taste of what His designed order is—whether it’s in marriage or our daily work, for example—it is so much sweeter than our wildest dreams.

Matthew 11:28 Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

Come to Me

We can have rest from the strain of all the chaos—rest in our minds and in our souls. We only must come to Him.

He is the way. He is the truth. He is the life.

It might not happen all at once, but He gives us rest from all the places in our lives where we labor (feel fatigue; wearied) or are heavy laden (to load up).

This is fascinating. Another Greek meaning for “heavy laden” is: to overburden with ceremony (or spiritual anxiety). We can even be heavy laden with religion!

We can also be overburdened with spiritual anxiety. Do you ever feel like you’re fighting the devil 24/7? Satan is the source of all spiritual oppression, which is the heaviest weight of them all. Have you reached your limit? Come to Me, Jesus says.

Have you come to the end of your rope? Come to Me.

Are you weary from your struggles? Come to Me.

Do you need refreshment, in your mind and in your soul? Do you need an easement from the constant strain of worry and stress? Come to Me.

Are you hurting from a broken relationship or broken finances? Do you need forgiveness and healing? Come to Me.

Are you washed out or washed up? Do you need the warm and loving embrace of your Heavenly Father? Come to Me.

Are you tired of giving in or giving up? Are you frustrated with yourself or with someone else?  Come to Me.

Do you need the loving acceptance of the Father? Come to Me.

Are you re-living old memories of the past just to catch a glimpse of what was, and could be again? Are you desperate for a glimmer of light?

Jesus says, “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

Let’s live in the kingdom order that Christ died to give us. We must courageously pursue Him and courageously open our hearts to receive the changes He desires to give us. We are safe in Him. Let’s safely pursue Him.

Study the Bible verse of Matthew 11:28 and be free from your burdens by resting in the loving embrace of Jesus Christ.

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