
The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.



We mustn’t take our eyes off the Lord. When we shift our expectations from the Lord to the anticipated victory and accompanying prosperity, it can lead to utter destruction.

Psalm 62:10 says, “…though your riches increase, do not set your heart on them.”

Several years ago, as I was contemplating about all the good I could do if I had a sudden increase of cash flow, the Lord’s words came through to me clear as day. He said, “Don’t make money the hero.”


In other words, Don’t go there without Me. If we see the way to victory and we let go of the Lord’s hand to take hold of it, we haven’t won at all. In fact, we’ve lost…big time.

However, if we are still before the Lord even when we see the victory within reach, the Lord fights the battle for us and we enter into the Kingdom hand-in-hand with Him. Real victory.

In continual surrender to the Lord, we gain so much more than if we went charging ahead. If He’s not in it, it’s not worth having.

Waiting Means Surrender

We must wait on Him.

This way, we know the victory wasn’t because of us or any other person, but only because of the Lord, because His Presence went before us and made the way.

Jesus said in John 14:1-2, “You believe in God; believe also in me. My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you?”

He prepares and gradually builds in front of us as we make progress along the journey. If we get ahead of Him, we find that the room is empty when we enter it.

As long as we are in continual surrender (still before Him), He is in the lead and we are safe. He is up ahead doing the fighting for us. The Holy Spirit helps us with self-control when we ask.

He wants victory for us as much as we do, but we must be still before Him so He can do the fighting. Praise the Lord for His everlasting patience and kindnesses toward us. How great is His grace. Hallelujah!

Study the Bible verse of Exodus 14:14, and be still before the Lord and watch Him win the victory for you. Amen!




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