Daily Prayer – Psalm 26:3

For your steadfast love is before my eyes, and I walk in your faithfulness.


Daily Prayer

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Thank You, Lord, for not giving up on us. You have redeemed us—all of our mistakes and wrong decisions of the past. And not only the wrong ones, but You have redeemed the things we have done right. Oh Lord, how amazing is Your grace, and Your ways past finding out! You have given us freedom and our chains are gone. Hallelujah! It is only by Your grace, Lord, that we have done anything right and so be glorified in it all, for it is because of You that we can walk in faithfulness. It is only because of Your steadfast love that we live to see another day, but You don’t have mere existence in mind for Your children, but abundant life—bounty and blessings overflowing—at Your table, in Your house, by Your side. Now instead of darkness and dread up ahead, we see Your steadfast love leading us to Your house where we belong. Oh Jesus, thank You for reconciling us back to the Father moment-by-moment and day-by-day, for redeeming it all, for penetrating the darkness with Your amazing love. There is nothing too hard for You. Oh, blessed be Your Glorious Name! Thank You for the abundant flow of Your amazing grace, Lord Jesus! We give You all the praise and glory! Amen and amen!

For your steadfast love is before my eyes, and I walk in your faithfulness.  Psalm 26:3 ESV


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