Daily Prayer – Psalm 63:8

My soul clings to you; your right hand upholds me. 


Daily Prayer

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Thank You, Father, that as we resist the temptations that appeal to our weaknesses, You are there for us to cling to and hold onto. We praise Your glorious Name! Your right hand upholds us. Thank You for helping us resist the devil and cling to You. Your mercy far outweighs the power of our enemies.

Thank You for helping us choose life. Thank You for Your gentleness. You are our Father, and we are Your children. Thank You for establishing us in the righteousness of Jesus Christ, our Rock and foundation, our fortress and refuge.

In Christ, we have overcome the hardships and difficulties of being uprooted from the world and established in Your Kingdom where it is safe, serene and quiet—where we can enjoy sweet fellowship with You, our King. Amen and amen!

My soul clings to you; your right hand upholds me.  Psalm 63:8  ESV

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