Daily Prayer – Psalm 8:1

O Lord, our Lord, your majestic name fills the earth! Your glory is higher than the heavens.


Daily Prayer

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Father God, help us to hear the glorious sounds of Your Majestic Name, which fills all the earth. You have taught children and infants to tell of Your strength, silencing Your enemies and all who oppose You (Psalm 8:2). What an amazing feat this is, to deliver us from the sounds of the enemy so we can hear the sounds of Your Amazing Love.

How great is Your love—greater than hate, greater than judgment and condemnation, greater than jealousy, envy and strife. Jesus Christ overcame the selfishness inherit in man, emptied himself and died upon the cross as evidence of Your amazing love for us. Because He paved the way, we can follow Him and ascend into the holy hill of the Lord (Psalm 24:3).

We can silence the clamoring noise within us as we empty ourselves of selfish gain. Then we can hear the voice of Your Love as we enjoy a holy and righteous fellowship with Christ in the Kingdom of God. Thank You for teaching us Your amazing ways, Lord. You alone are God. Amen and amen!

O Lord, our Lord, your majestic name fills the earth! Your glory is higher than the heavens.  Psalm 8:1 NLT

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