
Daily Prayer – Psalm 103:14

For he knows our frame; he remembers that we are dust.


Daily Prayer

Father God, forgive us for holding others accountable for taking care of us, for holding us up when we are drowning in sorrow and desperation. The only one who is able to carry us is You. When we are sick in our bodies, in our minds or our hearts, You are the only One Who can heal us. We release our expectations of others, and we look up to You to be our Best Friend, to be our Comforter and our Healer.

And at the same time, we receive Your mercy where we have failed to minister to someone in their time of need. They need no other comforter but You. May we not think so highly of ourselves that we think we can carry them. You are the One Who promised to carry us through. You are our Shepherd, our Jehovah Rohi. Your mercies are unfailing and unending.

We praise You Father, for You are good. Your mercies are new every morning. We release our burdens upon You–the emotional ones, the financial ones, and the spiritual ones. You are the only One strong enough to carry them all. Thank You for the cross. We place them at Your feet. Thank You, Christ Jesus. In Your Name we pray. Amen.

For he knows our frame; he remembers that we are dust. Psalm 103:14

Daily Devotions & Prayer

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