2 Timothy 2:13 (NLT)

If we are unfaithful, he remains faithful, for he cannot deny who he is. 


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Bible Commentary

2 Timothy 2:13 is an open and honest Bible verse about the character of Jesus Christ. By reading The New Testament of the Bible, we can see into the life of Jesus Christ—from the plan of His birth to His upbringing, and eventually to His ministry and martyrdom. He was both man and God, for He was conceived of the Holy Spirit and born by a woman.

Being Deity, though He was also a man, He set the perfect example in His treatment of others. There were times when he admonished and disciplined, and times with He extended mercy and healed. There were times when He tested people’s faith, and times when He asked no questions at all.

But when He ultimately accepted His Father’s plan, even in face of the pain and struggle in the Garden of Gethsemane, He exemplified the ultimate humility and obedience toward the Father and went forward to display His unconditional love toward all men.

He beat the devil by beating pride—the attitude which got Satan kicked out of heaven. Jesus Christ, God’s only Son, without sin and Holy in every way, abased Himself so that He could relate to every sinner—every person.

As humans, we are all messed up on some level in our thinking, our attitude or our philosophy. None of us are completely right. None of us are perfect. None of us are Jesus Christ. Because we were born into sin, we all have pride, judgments, jealousies and are hypocritical to some degree, whether we realize it or not.

His Mercy is Enough

All we can do is follow Jesus Christ to the best of our abilities and ask the Father to mold us into His likeness, so that we can reflect Jesus Christ out to the world. There will be times when our humanness comes across more than Jesus does. We may be alarmed about what kind of damage we might have done, reeling from our mistakes that came from pride or simply from our human condition. But His mercy is enough to cover it.

We mustn’t shrink back in fear over our inabilities and imperfections. We must accept ourselves and others the way we are, knowing that God the Father accepts us too. That’s why He sent His Son. Thank God that His grace is sufficient for us. (2 Corinthians 12:9) Hallelujah!!

We praise You, Father, for Your undying love for us, for sending us a Savior Who we need so desperately. Thank You for coming in behind us and cleaning up after us. We have made some terrible mistakes, but nothing is too great for You to handle. You cover us with the blood of Jesus Christ, and for that we thank You, Lord. Amen.

Study 2 Timothy 2:13, and receive the faithfulness of Jesus Christ into your life—past, present and future.

Daily Devotion and Prayer



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