1 Peter 2:24 (NASB)

and He Himself bore our sins in His body on the cross, so that we might die to sin and live to righteousness; for by His wounds you were healed.

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Bible Commentary

1 Peter 2:24 is a Bible verse from the New Testament that paints a picture of punishment for our sins and then reminds us of why we have access to healing from Jesus Christ.

In this verse, we go from one extreme to the other. The first part of 1 Peter 2:24 speaks of Jesus bearing our sins upon His body on the cross, a tortuous and heinous punishment to pay for the ugliness and filth of every sin that has ever (or will ever) be committed. Then the last part of the verse speaks to an amazing and merciful gift that is made available to us because Christ bore the punishment for our sins.

What amazing grace!

Jesus was God’s precious Son—a great and valuable prize and priceless treasure in the Father’s heart. He was so proud of Him. He watched Him grow from a babe to a boy to a man, beaming with joy over Him. God told men by the scriptures that the Messiah was coming, and He sent men and women ahead of Him to prepare the way.

The Riches of His Grace

God spoke to Jesus’ disciples Himself and told them to listen to His Son, that He was well pleased with Him. He watched as Jesus faithfully carried out His ministry by teaching, healing, serving, leading others by example and setting captives free. And yet He was willing to watch the ugliest of human nature tear Him apart, all to reconcile man back to Himself. Why?

Because of His great love for us.

The riches of His grace available to us through Jesus Christ is far too high to measure or understand, but once you get a taste of its sweetness, you want more.

After Jesus consumed our sin into His Own body upon the cross, it made the way for us to live free from sin. That’s what it means in 1 Peter 2:24, “so that we might die to sin and live to righteousness…”

By accepting His free gift of grace, we are empowered by the Holy Spirit to live in the righteousness of Jesus Christ. We can learn how to think, how to believe, how to behave, and how to live our life in righteousness through God’s Holy Word, the Bible.

All the love, wisdom, knowledge, confidence, power, humility, and strength we need is available to us—through Christ. And not only that, but He offers atonement for our physical bodies as well—healing.

Healed from the Inside Out

1 Peter 2:24 says, “for by His wounds you were healed.”

This Bible verse is stated in a particular order. First is the fact that Jesus took all of our sin upon Himself, so we know we are saved from God’s wrath of punishment. Secondly, He did this so we could be free from sin and live in righteousness, which is what heals us on the inside. Thirdly, when we are healed on the inside, we can be well and whole on the outside—physically! We get well from the inside out.

When our mind and heart are clear from sin, guilt and fear  then the power of the Holy Spirit can move free and clear—unhindered—through our inner man to rest upon our physical bodies. The word “healed” in 1 Peter 2:24 means: to cure, make whole.

Christ endured wounds—mentally, emotionally and physically—so we could be cured and made whole mentally, emotionally and physically.

By His wounds we are healed.

Study the Bible verse of 1 Peter 2:24, practice believing and receiving the truth into your heart and soul, so you can be healed from the inside out.


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