From Cradle to Crown-Part III

A Testimony from a Christian Mother

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by Yveatte Moore

Welcome back to From Cradle to Crown – Part III. Today I will share with you the third obstacle the Lord revealed to me that was standing in the way of abundant blessings for my family.

Obstacle #3 Judgment

There are many Biblical principles that are critically important to follow. I for one, would read them and try my best to apply them toward my relationships with friends and co-workers. I was blinded to the fact that these principles should more importantly be applied to the relationships in my own household—my husband and my children.

Matthew 7:1-3

Judge not, that you be not judged. For with what judgment you judge, you will be judged; and with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you. And why do you look at the speck in your brother’s eye, but do not consider the plank in your own eye?

As our children get older and they begin making decisions for themselves, it can be a real test of faith for mothers. We have done our best to teach them right from wrong; we read the Bible together and attend church. But no matter how hard we have tried to raise them well, we must remember that they will mess up sometimes, just like we did and just like we still do.

As they get older, it is easy to become judgmental of their behavior and their actions. After all, they know better. Maybe they have done something that requires discipline, or maybe we’re concerned about something we just have to endure and pray about, but either way we must be careful not to become judgmental toward them. Judgment only builds walls between us, and our hearts can easily become callous toward one another (Matthew 7:1-3).

Most likely, our child’s personality make-up is quite different from our own. We may be opposites—our child is an introvert and we are an extrovert. We inevitably see things differently and we approach things differently. We of course, should teach them the things they need to know, but let’s allow them the freedom to see things and do things for themselves even if it’s not how we see it, or want them to do it. Just because their view and method is different than ours doesn’t mean it’s wrong.

(A huge help for my husband and me toward this end is a book written by Dr. Robert Rohm, Positive Personality Profiles.)

If we don’t practice letting go of judgment when they are young, it can become increasingly difficult as they become young adults. Again, judgment only blocks the flow of God’s best for them. “Judge not, that you be not judged.”

Judgment is God’s job, not ours, particularly as they get older. We must teach them God’s Word and lift them up to Him in prayer and then get out of His way, so He can do His perfect work in their lives.

Discipline or Grace

Yes, we are still responsible to discipline them when they need it, and it can be a difficult balance between discipline and judgment. Therefore, we must continually seek the wisdom of God to know when to give grace and when to discipline.

It is so important to stay connected to God in prayer and submission, so that we can love our children as He loves us. We must remember that love covers the multitude of sins. It is a practice and a process to start seeing our children through the eyes of mercy, the way Jesus sees us.

Let’s remove ourselves from the job of judge, so God can come in and do the molding. He is the potter and we are the clay. Let’s not be afraid of His perfect molding process, for our children or for ourselves. God knows what He’s doing, and He is trustworthy. The cross is our constant reminder of His mercy, particularly when we’re going through something difficult.

God loves our children far more than we ever could, and He knows what’s best for them and for us.

Watch God come in and work in the life of your child as you practice removing judgments from them, removing expectations and replacing worry with faith. They become free to be who God intended them to be…and so do you. Hallelujah, Lord!!

Galatians 5:1

Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage.

Christ paid the ultimate price so we could be free and have an abundant life. Let’s do our part as mothers and help our children be free by standing fast in the liberty of Christ, so they (and we) can become all that God created us to be. Blessed be the Name of our Savior. Amen!

Bible Verses and Commentaries about Marriage




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