Who is the Holy Spirit-Part Three


Enjoy a daily dose of God’s Word! Visit Verse of the Day

by Jean Bradley

When the Holy Spirit Gives Us a Scripture to Stand On

The Lord took me on a little journey recently and reminded me of a scripture, in fact a Psalm, that was given to me some years ago. I was reminded how valuable this Psalm has been for me over the years, as the Lord highlighted various verses from it, according to what was happening in my life at the time.

When the Lord gives us a personal scripture to stand on, it is a bit different from us picking a verse from the Bible at random that fits with our situation. I know for sure when the Holy Spirit is highlighting a verse for me because it floods my spirit and all of the previous doubts and fears disappear as I read and repeat this verse over and over again.

This is when the Word of God has become a weapon to defeat the enemy, the devil, who has tried to defeat me in my situation, and now I can use it against him and command him to flee in Jesus’ Name!

My Psalm came about some years ago at my church that I was attending at the time. There was a guest speaker on that particular Sunday, whose name was Joe Donato. Brother Joe has an amazing testimony of how he met Jesus Christ, who changed his life completely from having been high in command in the mafia. He shared about the many crimes and murders that he had been involved with and in general about life in the mob, but most of all that even though in that lifestyle he was successful, he felt empty and was tired of it all. The day that he met Jesus Christ, all of that changed completely.

I got to meet Brother Joe and he gave me Psalm 27, which he wrote in the front of my Bible. After receiving that Psalm, the Lord kept drawing me back to it again and again. I read it often, even though there were no highlights at the time, but what the Lord was doing was writing it into my heart, my spirit. Later on, when I was going through some difficult times, one of the verses would come to mind and be highlighted and give me the authority to use as a weapon.

For example, Psalm 27:1-3 says,

The Lord is my light and my salvation – whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life – of whom shall I be afraid? 2 When evil men advance against me to devour my flesh, when my enemies and my foes attack me, they shall stumble and fall. 3 Though an army besiege me, my heart will not fear; though war break out against me, even then will I be confident.

Standing on Truth in Face of Attack

There have been times when I have been accused and attacked for things that were strange to me. It has always amazed me how people can accuse someone because of their own misconceptions, which for them becomes truth. However, I came to understand that at the root of all of that, in some circles, the accusations come because you are standing as a Christian and therefore, the battle is really spiritual.

The Holy Spirit highlighted these scriptures above and I stood on them, repeating them out loud and taking authority over the enemy in Jesus’ Name. I will not say that the battle was easy, but I knew that my God is faithful, and I was confident in Him and His Word. The accusers disappeared and some did ‘stumble and fall’. At the end of the day the Lord brought me through in victory, all to His Glory!

I would like to encourage everyone, that if you do not have a personal scripture, ask the Lord for one and He will give it to you. He knows each of us better than we know ourselves, and He knows exactly what we need at any particular time. Read and repeat your Bible verse and get it into your heart, your spirit, and then when you need it, it will be right there, giving you the confidence you need to stand strong and know that you will win in Jesus’ Name!

In the meantime, read Psalm 27 and let it encourage you in your situation. Be built up in your spirit, which will renew your mind and remove the little foxes of doubt and fear in Jesus’ Name.

Who is the Holy Spirit-Part One


Who is the Holy Spirit-Part Two



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