Psalm 48:11 (NKJV)

Let Mount Zion rejoice, Let the daughters of Judah be glad, Because of Your judgments.


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Bible Commentary

Psalm 48:11 is a Bible Verse that praises God for His righteous judgments.

Do you ever get tired of making decisions, and all the stress that comes along with that? Every day, we face countless decisions that must be made instantly. Some are easy and routine, but others are not.

As adults, we have many responsibilities, and over time if we’re not leaning on the proper support system, it can be very taxing on the mind and the body. What support system, you say?

Even if we don’t have family or friends in close proximity we can share our load with, we always have the constant companionship of our Lord, Jesus Christ. He told us to cast our cares upon Him, so He can carry the burden for us. (1 Peter 5:7)

That’s exactly what Psalm 48:11 is all about. We can easily wallow in the doubt and insecurity of whether we made all the right decisions today, but with God, His decisions are always right.

Let Mount Zion rejoice, Let the daughters of Judah be glad, Because of Your judgments.

“Judgment” in Hebrew means: verdict, divine law, justice and determination; to vindicate or punish.

As long as the world revolves, He is constantly making decisions to vindicate or punish by the righteousness of His Divine law. As a parent, I understand the strain and struggle of determining when to punish (and how), and when to extend grace. Every situation is different and every child is different.

Unlocking the Truth – It Feels So Good!

Mount Zion is representative of the place where His children who are covered by the righteousness of His blood, are gathered.

The daughters of His kingdom are glad and rejoicing, because of the leadership of a righteous and merciful Father Who watches over them, protecting them from the dangers of the world.

It is the same with the bride of Christ.

As a wife…  click to continue



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