Psalm 46:10 (NASB)

“Be still, and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!”


Bible Commentary

Psalm 46:10 is a Bible verse from a song of praise written by King David, in which God in His sovereignty is giving a very specific command. It is interesting that in the entire 46th Psalm, verse 10 is the only one where God is doing the talking. It’s as if He wants to make this particular point strong and clear.

The words He uses are simple, but let’s dig into the meat of them. The word “still” in the first sentence in Hebrew means: to slacken, abate, cease, consume, draw, fail, faint, be feeble, forsake, idle, leave, let alone, stay, be still.

Wow, that’s a lot, but overall, I think we get the idea. Even more interesting is another definition of a reference listed here, which is: to mend (by stitching), to cure, heal, physician, repair, make whole.

Unlocking the Truth – Be Still and Know

Let’s look at it like this: If you had a broken arm and needed treatment by a physician, you would have to first, seek out a doctor and secondly, hold still in order for him to set the break and create the cast.

All of us need some kind of healing in our lives, maybe from an old army wound, a running injury or maybe you’ve endured a broken heart. We all need healing from something that caused us pain in our past, whether it was emotional, spiritual or physical.

In order to be healed, we must first seek out the Great Physician, God the Father. But there is more to being healed than just seeking Him and sending up our prayer. That, of course is important, but just as critical is to be still before Him.

We can’t receive treatment from our Heavenly Father if we’re too busy to listen to Him. He desires an intimate communication with us, which is two-way. Talk to Him, yes. Pour out your heart. He wants to hear everything…but He also desires to be heard.

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