Psalm 37:39 (NKJV)

But the salvation of the righteous is from the Lord; He is their strength in the time of trouble.

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Bible Commentary

Psalm 37:39 is a Bible verse that tells us where to find salvation and strength in times of trouble. We all feel desperate at times, when everything seems to be crumbling around us and we feel like we’re drowning in a sea of despair. We cry out for help, maybe to our spouse, a best friend or a parent.

We go to our most trusted ally in times of desperation. We need answers, and we need support. We just have to get it off our chest, so it’s natural for us to turn to a person.   We might receive comfort and encouragement from our support team which is good and helpful, but look at Psalm 37:39.

But the salvation of the righteous is from the Lord; He is their strength in the time of trouble.

Our salvation is from the Lord. It says He is our strength in times of trouble. The word, “salvation” in Hebrew means: rescue, deliverance, help, safety, and victory.

Isn’t that just what we need? To be rescued from the sea of despair? The word “rescue” implies a swift change—from captivity to freedom, from being underneath the waves to standing on a rock. Oh, how we need a swift change!

Fixed on Him

There might not be anyone on earth who understands what we’re going through or who can really help, but God knows. He understands because He experiences it with us and is right beside us. He holds us up with His righteous right hand. (Isaiah 41:10)

It’s as if we are scaling a steep rocky mountain with no safety harness, and when it feels like we’re falling, God holds us up with His righteous right hand. He secures our next step. We must forge ahead, trusting Him because He’s got us. We might stumble, but we won’t fall.

We get to the top of the mountain. We come to a clearing where there is even terrain. We find rest and comfort in Him. And then it’s time to keep climbing, to keep trusting, to keep moving up.

It might not feel secure underneath us. As a matter of fact, if we look down for too long it is even more dangerous. We must keep our eyes fixed on Him, moving upward.

Unlocking the Truth – It’s Not About Us

When the loud sirens of emergency are ringing in our ears, we must remember to stop and be still for just a moment. And call upon the Lord.

Psalm 37:39 But the salvation of the righteous is from the Lord; He is their strength in the time of trouble.

He is our Knight in Shining Armor. He is our Savior. He is our strength and help in times of trouble. It might feel hopeless. We might feel helpless. It looks and feels like a time of emergency…but God is in control.

Believe Him. Believe His Word. He is trustworthy. We must stand firm in His calling upon our life, even when it doesn’t make sense (to us or anyone else), and particularly when it seems like a different path would be better (or easier).

The journey to the cross was not easy. Jesus asked for a different way, but He yielded to God’s way. Because He did, countless numbers of people have been saved because of Jesus’ faithfulness.

There is a great multitude hanging in the balance, even now. It’s not just about us. It’s about many others, as well. Let us stand firm and fulfill our destiny in Jesus Christ.

Study the Bible verse of Psalm 37:39 and trust God in the midst of emergency.

More Bible Verses About Strength




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