Psalm 138:3 (NKJV)

In the day when I cried out, You answered me, And made me bold with strength in my soul.


Bible Commentary

Psalm 138:3 is a Bible verse from the Old Testament where King David is praising God for answering his cry for strength.

A most certain way to feel closer to God is to begin thanking him, whether we’re in a valley and things are going poorly or we’re on a rooftop and things are great.

Psalm 100:4 says, “Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, And into His courts with praise.” That’s how we get past the gates and into the courts of His throne. Thanksgiving and praise draws us into His Presence.

There are always things to thank God for. Some days we might have to look harder than others, but they are there. When we have to really think to see what’s good in our life, it’s amazing how much better we can feel on the inside after focusing in on our blessings.

Unlocking the Truth – Refocus and be Refreshed

It is when we focus on our blessings that we see God more clearly. And when our focus is on His glory and goodness instead of on our problems, our heart is refreshed.

If there is absolutely nothing in your life you can think of to be thankful for, be quiet a moment and remember the cross. Jesus Christ died for you, so you could be with Him and He could be with you.

In Psalm 138:3, King David is rejoicing that God answered his prayer. It must have been a desperate prayer, because David said he cried out. Have you ever cried out to God in desperation?

As David recounts how God answered his cry, it becomes another form of praise and thanksgiving. Has God ever answered your prayers? It is important to remember and recognize His answers to our prayers. When we do:

·         Our confidence in Him increases.

·         We are more likely to pray again.

·         We strengthen our relationship with our Heavenly Father.

·         We build a dialogue—a personal conversation.

David recognized and praised God for making him bold with strength in his soul. It is very interesting that the word “strength” in Hebrew means: force, security, majesty and praise.

In other words, praising God makes us stronger and more secure!

Becoming Bold

The word “bold” in Hebrew means: overcome.

God’s Word is so rewarding when we take the time to focus on it. When we focus on His Words, we focus on God.

And whatever we think about, we become like. Proverbs 23:7 says that as a man thinks in his heart, so is he.

When we put our thoughts toward life and light—we become life and light. When we focus our thoughts on the negative, we become negative.

It is so simple, but so profound.

To sum up, thanking and praising God strengthens us in our souls and helps us overcome. Listen to a worship song each day to help get you in the right frame of mind for praising and worship in spirit and in truth (John 4:23).

Sometimes listening to a worship song is the switch that turns on the light of worship in your soul. Give it a try. It can transform your entire mood about God and about your life.

Study the Bible verse of Psalm 138:3 and be strengthened in your soul as you praise and thank God.


More Bible Verses About Strength



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