Psalm 12:5 (NKJV)

“For the oppression of the poor, for the sighing of the needy, Now I will arise,” says the Lord; “I will set him in the safety for which he yearns.”


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Bible Commentary

Psalm 12:5 is a Bible Verse from a Psalm of David where he speaks of the purity of the Lord’s words. This is quite a promise from the Lord. Though David penned it as the lyrics of a song, it is the Lord Who inspired him, as you can see by the words, “says the Lord.”

As Christians, we have most likely heard about some of the great wonders of Heaven. I believe the promise of Psalm 12:5 is describing what Heaven is like.

It is a wonderful freedom, being permanently relieved from the continual pressure of oppression, whether it is socially, financially, spiritually or even physically in the form of an illness.

We have all experienced some kind of oppression, and in the midst of it, we yearn for freedom. We want to be free from the constant strain and struggle of having to deal with it.

There are times we experience relief, but then later it may rear its ugly head again to remind us that it’s still there, and we’re not free at all. We try to keep a positive outlook and as we start gaining some momentum in hope and encouragement, BAM! It can knock us back down in an instant.

We Need Help

We can only endure so many setbacks without getting knocked down—emotionally, mentally and every other way. No matter how great our faith is or how strong we are in the Lord, sometimes we just need help.

It seems as though God doesn’t hear our prayers because we don’t hear an answer during the struggle, but then suddenly He says in Psalm 12:5,

“For the oppression of the poor, for the sighing of the needy, Now I will arise,” says the Lord.

We might not realize it as a good thing, but when we’ve been knocked down so many times that we just can’t get up again, the Lord says, “…Now I will arise, “I will set him in the safety for which he yearns.”

God’s Perfect Will

Maybe it’s a good thing when we reach our limits, when we’ve just had enough. We throw up our hands in surrender—surrender to God’s perfect will.

Tired of fighting it or fighting with it, we just want to be in a place of rest and security, free from the burden of responsibility of “keeping it all together.”

If giving up the will to win means finding peace and rest in our souls, then we’re willing to lose. Being free is better than the anxious strain and struggle of being on top.

Where We’re Supposed To Be

After some time and experience, we realize that what we thought was winning was really losing, and we just want to be home–the rightful place and position the Father designed for us.

Maybe we’ve known all along what He called us to be and do, but we just couldn’t do it; we didn’t have the means or the opportunity. Or, maybe we weren’t fully listening to God, and we thought there was something better, and we let our own selfish ambitions get in the way.

Whatever it was, God says Now I will arise and I will set him in the safety for which he yearns.

Sweet music to our ears. Let’s watch with joyful expectation for the Lord to arise in our lives. It may be in many little ways, or one gigantic unexpected occurrence. Whatever and however it is, let’s be watching for the revelation of His glory.

It’s time.

Study the Bible verse of Psalm 12:5, and know the time of the Lord is at hand.



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