Psalm 103:12 (NKJV)

As far as the east is from the west, So far has He removed our transgressions from us.


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Bible Commentary

Psalm 103:12 is a Bible verse that gives us a visual description of our newness of life in Jesus Christ.

Sometimes we have a hard time comprehending just how big God’s forgiveness is. We get regular reminders from the enemy (and from others) of just how big our mess-up’s are, but we forget how much bigger our God is.

We tend to focus on what’s wrong, instead of what’s right. It’s human nature. That’s why it is so important to take our focus off ourselves, and put it on Christ.

When we feel like we’re 10 feet under and upside down, like the lyrics in Song of the Day (below), Jesus is the life raft ring we so desperately need. Grab hold and hang on!

Unless we’ve done some in-depth study about the blood of Jesus Christ, we most likely don’t understand its power, which removed our sins forever. In order to enjoy the fullness of His mercy toward us, we must walk closely with Christ, submitting to His ways and Words.

Son Rise to Sunset

That’s where Psalm 103:12 comes in. It gives us a better picture of just how vast His forgiveness is, by telling us how far our sins have been removed from us, now that we’re in Christ.

As far as the east is from the west, So far has He removed our transgressions from us.

In the first sunset photograph below, you can see a line cloud across the sky, like the sun followed its path from the east to the west.

Think of the sun for a moment, as your sins. They have been moved as far as the east (where the sun comes up), to the west (where the sun sets). But that’s not all.

Look at the second photograph below. It looks as if the sun is going down into the ocean, like the embers of a fire (our sins) being put out by the water (the patient, waiting arms of Christ).

The wrath of God is appeased by the blood of Jesus Christ, which covers those of us who have accepted Him. Our sins, no matter how big or how many, are covered under the blood. They are no more.

Think of them as being buried in the ocean. That’s the power of the perfect Lamb of God.

His blood was more than enough for your sins; it was enough for ALL sins.

Study the Bible verse of Psalm 103:12, focus on Christ and enjoy the freedom He died to give you.


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