Psalm 1:6 (NASB)

For the LORD knows the way of the righteous, But the way of the wicked will perish.


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Bible Commentary

I remember as a kid watching a Donald Duck cartoon, it had a devil trying to tempt Donald into making wrong decisions and an angel trying to keep him on the right path.

Psalm 1:6

For the LORD knows the way of the righteous, But the way of the wicked will perish.

Every day we have the choice to choose the path of righteousness or the path of wickedness.

The righteous path can be lonely and very difficult at times, while the wicked path can be very popular and for a time pleasurable.

Righteousness has Peace

But in the end the righteous have peace knowing that God loves and protects them, while the path of the wicked ultimately leads to death and destruction.

Our flesh is often like the devil in the Donald Duck cartoon, tempting us to choose the carnal pleasures of life;

Angel and devil

While the Holy Spirit is gently guiding us to choose the way of the righteous, the path God has planned for us.

Ultimately, we get to choose what path we will take. Will we choose the path of life through Jesus Christ or the path death through fleshly desires?

Father, I humbly ask that You give us the wisdom and discernment to choose the path of life through Your Son Jesus. Help us to ignore the temptations of this world and focus on You and the desires You have for us. Lord, Your will is perfect, and I ask that You align our will with Yours and make Your ways our ways. In Jesus Name, Amen!

Daily Prayers




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