Matthew 5:5 (KJV)

Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth. 


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Bible Commentary

Matthew 5:5 is another popular Bible verse from the Sermon on the Mount that teaches us more about the qualities of Jesus Christ.

The Greek meanings of the word “meek” are: mild, humble and gentle. Jesus had the perfect blend of temperaments. He was mild and gentle much of the time, but there were also times He used very strong and even harsh language and actions.

By walking with Christ in our daily lives, we also see these different temperaments of His dealings with us. There are times He gently leads us, comforts and ministers to us, and there are other times when He disciplines or scolds us severely.

That’s how a strong and loving Father raises His children.

Interestingly, it only seems to be the darkest times in our lives that we recognize His gentle and mild manner toward us as we feel the tender, everlasting arms of the Father gathering us to Him.

In Luke 7:38 the woman “who was a sinner” recognized the depth of her sin and in turn received the depth of His love and forgiveness.

“And stood at his feet behind him weeping, and began to wash his feet with tears, and did wipe them with the hairs of her head, and kissed his feet, and anointed them with the ointment.”

Jesus said this about her in Luke 7:47,

“Therefore I say to you, her sins, which are many, are forgiven, for she loved much. But to whom little is forgiven, the same loves little.”

This woman expressed her gratitude for His tender lovingkindness. Excessive sin necessitates excessive mercy. And that’s what Jesus offers us. Like the woman, there comes a time when we recognize the truth about our dire need of saving, in those times when we are in deep sorrow over our failures or when we are going through a very difficult situation–when we are humbled.

These times in our lives help us see other people differently than we have before. It helps to put us on a level playing field so-to-speak. It is then when we are most grateful for the meekness of Christ and we can more easily extend meekness and kindness toward others.

That’s what Matthew 5:5 is all about. Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.

Unlocking the Truth – Our Rear Guard

When we feel exposed because of our weaknesses, inabilities or failures, He is our rear guard. He comes in behind us and cleans up our mess, fixes our mistakes and ministers peace, comfort and restoration.

That’s what any loving parent does. They come in behind their young child and clean up after them. There is a time for discipline and there is a time for meekness.

I’m reminded of a scene in the movie, Christmas Story, where Ralphie is at the dinner table in great trepidation because he had been caught by his Mom in a fight with Scott Farkus that day. He was afraid of his Dad’s reaction when he found out about it.

But when his Dad asked about the events of the day, Ralphie’s Mom told him about the fight but in a very meek way that downplayed the drama of it and that she had taken care of the discipline. The Dad was satisfied, and Ralphie didn’t endure any punishment from him. What a relief!

That’s what Jesus does for us before the Father. He stands in the gap and appeases the Father. He is our rear guard.

As children of God, Jesus Christ is our inheritance and as we follow His lead, those traits of meekness will be birthed from our own lives.

As Matthew 5:5 says, the meek shall inherit the earth. As the nature of Christ springs forth from our own lives, we enjoy the fruits of the His kingdom here on earth.

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