Luke 12:33 (NKJV)

Sell what you have and give alms; provide yourselves money bags which do not grow old, a treasure in the heavens that does not fail, where no thief approaches nor moth destroys. 


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Bible Commentary

Luke 12:33 is a Bible Verse where Jesus gives His disciples instructions regarding finances. At first glance, it sounds as though Jesus is telling us to downsize—sell what we have and give it to the poor (give alms), which sounds like sacrifice or decrease.

However, if you take a longer look at Luke 12:33, you’ll see that Jesus is telling us to replace one paradigm for another—a traditional financial set-up for a Divine financial set-up.

In our traditional way of earning a living, we go to work every day to provide a roof over our heads and food on the table. We have accumulated property and possessions that we use and enjoy. This is all good, for the Father gives us all things to enjoy (1 Timothy 6:17).

However, without a solid relationship with Christ, we can easily be pulled away from a healthy and balanced management of our finances, and into a more aggressive determination in our attitude to attain the highest and the best there is, regardless of the cost.

Jesus isn’t saying we shouldn’t have a healthy ambition to do our best in our work and provide the best we can for our families, no. What He says in Luke 12:33 is actually a blueprint for how to attain the wealth of the kingdom—the Divine financial set-up.

Divine Set-up

Let’s read the entire passage of Luke 12:32-34.

“Do not fear, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom. 33 Sell what you have and give alms; provide yourselves money bags which do not grow old, a treasure in the heavens that does not fail, where no thief approaches nor moth destroys. 34 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

It’s almost like a litmus test. We can read the passage above and by gauging our reaction to it, will determine where our heart is—either in our wealth or with God in the kingdom.

If we’re too…  click to continue


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