John 15:5 (NKJV)

“I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing. 


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Bible Commentary

John 15:5 is a popular Bible Verse where Jesus teaches His disciples how to relate to Him.

Have you ever seen a flower or tree grow that had no roots? Probably not. It must get nourishment from somewhere in order to grow. Without the seed and the soil together, it would have no beginning and no chance for growth.

That’s exactly what Jesus is telling His disciples in John 15:5. We as individuals have all the potential in the world, but if we’re not grounded in the thing that gives us nourishment, we have no chance of bearing much fruit.

We might attain what the world considers success, but without being rooted in Christ, it has no lasting effect. It might look good and smell good, but it has no real or lasting merit—a candle in the wind, you might say.

Unlocking the Truth – Rooted in Christ

Have you ever seen a rich and famous person–someone who seems to have it all–and really looked into their eyes? Maybe they have a big smile, but their eyes seem empty and void. Or, they might have a lot to say, but their words ring hollow.

The answer? Jesus Christ.

He said that if we want to bear much fruit, we must abide in Him. That means: stay, dwell, endure, and remain. If Jesus is in Heaven with God, then how do we do that?

Look at what Jesus…  click to continue


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