John 1:34 (KJV)

And I saw, and bare record that this is the Son of God.


Verse of the Day

Bible Commentary

John 1:34 is a Bible verse from the New Testament where John the Baptist is giving a formal testimony that he saw the Son of God.

Let’s take a look at the Greek meaning of “saw,” which is: to stare at, to discern clearly (physically or mentally); to experience, to appear: perceive, see, take heed

The first thing of interest I noticed in these meanings are to discern clearly (physically or mentally). As believers, we have each witnessed Jesus Christ differently. We each have our own unique experiences of how and when we have witnessed Jesus Christ.

It could have been when we asked Him into our hearts (got saved), or when we read the Bible, when we pray, when we listen to Spirit-filled Pastors and teachers, when we’re worshipping through music, or any number of other ways.

He chooses to reveal Himself to each of us in a way we can discern clearly (physically or mentally). What is clear to one person may not be clear to another.

That’s why it is so important to develop a one-on-One, close and personal relationship with Him, so you can see Him when He appears to you.

Unlocking the Truth – Revolution of Faith

Though those around us may not experience Him exactly the way we do, we can still bare record as John did in John 1:34.

“Bare record” in the Greek means: to be a witness, testify, have honest report, be well reported of, testimony.

That is exactly what John the Baptist did. Although his testimony was only heard by a limited number of people, it began a revolution of faith that changed the world.

What about you? Have you given witness, or a testimony, that you have clearly discerned or experienced Jesus Christ?

Like John, your announcement, though it might be small, could begin another revolution of faith that could change the world.

Study the Bible verse of John 1:34 for inspiration to bear witness to your world that you have seen the Son of God.



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