Isaiah 62:11 (NKJV)

Indeed the Lord has proclaimed To the end of the world: “Say to the daughter of Zion, ‘Surely your salvation is coming; Behold, His reward is with Him, And His work before Him.’” 


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Bible Commentary

Isaiah 62:11 is a Bible verse from the Old Testament where the Lord is proclaiming the coming salvation through Jesus Christ and the sequence of His coming.

Since this was written in the days of the great prophet Isaiah, it is safe to say these words of the Lord were directed toward the coming Messiah on earth, the birth of Jesus Christ.

We know the word of God never grows stale or outdated, but is always fresh and alive. Now in these end times, the same words of this verse can be regarded toward Jesus Christ again, but this time in regard toward His second coming. We can see this in the first part of Isaiah 62:11,

“Indeed the Lord has proclaimed To the end of the world:

He is speaking not only to the geographical nature about the end of the world, but also as it relates to these end times.

The Daughter of the King

He is specific in who He is addressing in the next part of Isaiah 62:11,

“Say to the daughter of Zion…”

Zion is a mountain of Jerusalem, the place where God’s Presence was thought to dwell. The word “daughter” in Hebrew means: a daughter; apple of the eye, branch, company, town and village.

The Lord is specifically addressing the apple of His eye, His church, the bride of Christ, the daughter of the Lord–those who have accepted the gift of His Son, Jesus Christ. To His church, the grand promise comes, “Surely your salvation is coming…”

“Salvation” in Hebrew means: liberty, deliverance, prosperity and safety.

When Jesus taught His disciples to pray, “Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven,” He had salvation in mind, in every sense of the word (Matthew 6:10).

As Heaven arrives on earth, we are saved from the darkness and bondage of evil and from the chaos and confusion that is in the world. We will know light by the absence of darkness, and liberty by the absence of our chains, and safety by the comfort of His embrace, and permanent prosperity. This is complete and continual salvation!

Unlocking the Truth – His Reward

Next, Isaiah 62:11 addresses the sequence of events of His arrival,

“Behold, His reward is with Him, And His work before Him.”

The evidence of His work is revealed before the great day of His arrival is known. Look around you in your personal world. Despite the noise of current events in the media, have you noticed a coming together of sorts, of work-related projects, or gifts and talents being merged? New relationships being formed or old ones mended?

Maybe you feel a new resurgence in your work. The events in your life seem more grounded or anchored, and you can see a purpose in them like you hadn’t before.

Ask God to open your eyes to His work in your life and of those around you. It is exciting, indeed, to see Him working and pulling together the resources He has bestowed upon His people.

His work comes first, and then He is revealed.

There has been a very long wait in Heaven for Jesus Christ to be recognized as King of kings and Lord of lords, for Him to receive the reward He so rightfully deserves. Philippians 2:10 says,

“that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth,”

As the Lamb Who was slain, He deserves all of our attention and all of our praise, honor and worship. His glory is revealed in and through His people as He rises to His rightful place of honor for all to see.

And His reward is with Him.

“Reward” in Hebrew means: payment of contract; salary, fare, compensation, benefit, wages and worth. We also will be rewarded as He rises through us. Colossians 3:4 says,

When Christ who is our life appears, then you also will appear with Him in glory.

Being paid by the Lord is very different than being paid by man. His reward, or salary, is more than just monetary. It is a permanent and solid satisfaction, a rightful order where there is no fear of lack, running low or running out, so that we can keep our focus on Christ and not on our need.

He is our ultimate source and fountain of life. A continual flow of wealth comes from His righteousness. His wages and benefits won’t dry up, run low or run out because they come from the riches of His grace and of His Kingdom. Praise the Lord!

Study the Bible verse of Isaiah 62:11 and recognize the rising of the Lord’s work in your life, and watch for His coming.


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