

Isaiah 6:1 (NKJV) In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord sitting on a throne, high and lifted up, and the train of His robe filled the temple.


Unlocking the Truth – High and Lifted Up

This visual reinforces the fact that God is on the throne, in complete control over all the nations of the earth. He is high and lifted up.

Think of all the churches across the globe who sing His praises in worship services from Sunday morning to Saturday evening, and every day in between. There is no ruler or king who receives this kind of accolade, and there never will be.

The Lord is high and lifted up. See it in your mind’s eye.


Not only is He high and lifted up, but His train fills the temple.

Think of a bride approaching her groom in a bright white wedding gown with a long, beautiful train following her down the aisle.

I’m reminded of the story when Moses asked to see God’s glory. God told him that no man could see Him and live, but that He would place him in the cleft of a rock and cover him with His hand while He passed by. Then God would remove His hand so Moses could see His back. (Exodus 33:19-23)

Wow! I imagine God’s back was the train of His glory, the aura, or evidence of His love, the very essence of Who He is. Can you just see it? Imagine it?

Isaiah 6:1 (NASB) says the train of His robe filled the temple. Just like Moses, God covers our eyes when He passes through. Otherwise, we would not be able to live. He gave us the armor of light, which is Jesus Christ, to be that covering.

The sovereign power of God comes even now, to penetrate the layers of darkness. We cannot look upon Him and live, so He only reveals His back–the train of His robe—while the Holy Spirit is at work separating the wheat from the tares. (Matthew 13:24-30)

In the New Testament (after Jesus died on the cross and the Holy Spirit was given) we are told that our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. We, the church, are the temple of God.

Not only do we have the protection of the armor of light, but His train—His glory—fills the temple. We are covered on the outside and filled on the inside, saturated with His light. Hallelujah!

We overlook the great honor and grand power we have as followers of Jesus Christ. Let’s be quiet and still to meditate on the awe and wonder of this truth.

Study the Bible verse of Isaiah 6:1 and live with the confident assurance of God’s authority on earth and your protection in Jesus Christ.  


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