Exodus 13:3 (NKJV)

And Moses said to the people: “Remember this day in which you went out of Egypt, out of the house of bondage; for by strength of hand the Lord brought you out of this place. No leavened bread shall be eaten.


Bible Commentary

Exodus 13:3 is a Bible verse from the Old Testament where God is commanding observance of the day He delivered His people from the house of bondage. Though God was specifically speaking to the children of Israel regarding the day He delivered them from their taskmasters in Egypt, there are many different forms of imprisonment that can cause us to live in a place of bondage today.

It could be our own fears, an addiction, debt, a relationship (past or present), a physical or mental disease, etc. The list goes on. Notice in Exodus 13:3, God said they “went out of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.” We can be a slave in our own house and not even be aware of it.

“House” in Hebrew means: a house, family, court, daughter, door, palace, prison. If there is constant contention between you and a family member, your home could be a house of bondage.

“Bondage” in Hebrew means: servant. There are many root word meanings, but of particular interest are: to work, to serve, enslave, husbandman, labour, worshipper. We can be enslaved to our job, our work. What once was a passion can turn into a false god or a religion itself.

The devil is so cunning that he can use something we loved in the beginning and then gradually turn it into a taskmaster, so that we’re enslaved to it. And we don’t even recognize what’s happening until we’re completely miserable. We unknowingly become a worshipper of something (or someone) that is not God.

The enemy uses our fleshly weaknesses and exploits them into something that can become the exact opposite of what God intended for us. Not a very appealing place to be. But there is hope.

Unlocking the Truth – Strength of Hand

The next part of Exodus 13:3 says, “for by strength of hand the Lord brought you out of this place.” Note it was the Lord who brought them out of the place of bondage; they couldn’t just up and leave.

They in fact had been crying out to God to rescue them, but it was God’s power and strength that made it happen. The Hebrew meanings of “strength” are: power, to seize, be strong, cure, help, repair, fortify, conquer.

Whatever kind of bondage you find yourself in today, look again at the Hebrew meanings of “strength.” He can cure your body, mind and emotions; He can repair your relationships; He can conquer your enemies; He can fortify you and make you strong; He can help you break out so you can be free from whatever had you bound.

He is Almighty God, the great I AM, Creator of the heavens and the earth, your Heavenly Father, your Saviour Who bled and died on the cross for you. He is yours, and you are His. Never forget the cross and what a sacrifice that was.

He willingly endured so much pain and anguish to save you. Why are you living in bondage? He died so you could have abundant life! Rise up out of the pit, and take hold of life! It belongs to you. Abundant life has your name on it, because it has His name on it…and you belong to Him.

The last part of Exodus 13:3 says, “No leavened bread shall be eaten.” In Hebrew, “leavened” means: ferment, extortion, pungent, sour.

Stop eating (receiving) what is sour and pungent from this world. Receive Him. He is delicious, beautiful, bright, fragrant and all-powerful. And because He is, you can be too.

Study the Bible verse of Exodus 13:3 and choose freedom and abundant life in Christ.



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