Psalm 37:5 Continued

Commit your way to the Lord, Trust also in Him, and He will do it.



…of Psalm 37:5 is the last part that says, “and He will do it.”

Whatever it is we are waiting for and hoping for is what He says He will do, if we will let go of the situation. Hopefully, you know God well enough to know He can do it far better than we can.

When He acts, it far exceeds our wildest imagination. It is better than we ever thought it could be. This might relate to a job, a relationship, a business, ministry, etc.

The best we can do on our own is of natural effect. But when we let go and God acts, it is accomplished in the supernatural.

Those of us with a “Type A” personality and/or mothers especially have a difficult time with relinquishing control. Taking over and doing it ourselves is a pattern of behavior that can be difficult to break, even with the best intentions.

All of us need help from the Holy Spirit for self-control. Our flesh—self—can be more difficult to conquer than the devil’s tools used against us. Don’t be discouraged, though. With God, all things are possible (Mark 9:23). We only need to be willing, and God will show mercy and take over when we get out of the way. He is faithful. Maybe you can relate to this story, which describes the reason behind God’s desire for us to trust Him.

Jenny was a bright-eyed, pretty five-year-old girl. One day when she and her mother were checking out at the grocery store, Jenny saw…   click to continue reading




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