Psalm 27:10 (NASB)

For my father and my mother have forsaken me, But the Lord will take me up. 

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Bible Commentary

Psalm 27:10 is an intriguing Bible verse that explores the reality of failure in family relationships. Many of us know by now that there is no perfection in family relationships. All families are dysfunctional to some extent. We are human, and we fail each other from time to time.

We have all experienced the pain of some kind of betrayal, just as we ourselves have failed someone else. Generally, what we dish out comes back to us. Matthew 7:2 says, “For in the way you judge, you will be judged; and by your standard of measure, it will be measured to you.”

However, the parent / child relationship is unique in that the weight of the responsibility is solely upon the parent when the child is very young. God gives a very clear and earnest instruction to parents in many places in the Bible, but here is one:

Deuteronomy 12:28 Observe and obey all these words which I command you, that it may go well with you and your children after you forever, when you do what is good and right in the sight of the Lord your God.

When we teach our children the ways of the Lord by His Word, He promises that it will go well with us and our children—so simple and SO important! But many parents were not taught the Words of God and therefore did not pass it on to their children. As a result, we have a real mess in our society.

Unlocking the Truth – Your Value

You may be one such person whose parents did not teach you about God or His Word, and maybe even worse you suffered some form of abuse at their hand. Understandably, this has caused a broken heart and a broken spirit which is not easily repaired.

The Lord has a word for you.

Psalm 27:10 For my father and my mother have forsaken me, But the Lord will take me up.

Your worth is not based upon how you have been treated by a person here on earth. Your worth is based upon the truth. And that truth is what the Father says about you.

We tend to formulate our self-esteem by the actions (or non-actions) of those around us—particularly our closest family members. The devil does his best to paint a picture of worthlessness over us, to make us feel unloved and undervalued.

But nothing could be further from the truth. Whether we were aware of it or not, the Lord has always been by our side. He is our Creator and our Heavenly Father. He is familiar with all our ways (Psalm 139:3). He pursues us with an undying love and devotion, calling us with that still, small voice and waiting for us to look up to Him.

Our Value in Christ

As we learn to pursue God the Father through Christ the Son, we begin to see the ways He loves us personally. Then we can begin to forsake the false gods of the world. We learn how to forgive as Christ has forgiven us.

As we learn the truth about our own value in Christ, we begin to value others over winning, over money and over selfish ambitions.

And as we pursue righteousness and are transformed more and more into the image of Christ, we begin to receive the true devotion and love we’ve always wanted. Then we can begin to see the Father’s love through those around us. He transforms us all from glory to glory through Jesus Christ the Son.

When your mother and father forsake you, the Lord will lift you up. Study the Bible verse of Psalm 27:10, and soak in the Lord’s devotion and love for you.


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