Psalm 25-13Pg2

His soul will abide in prosperity, And his descendants will inherit the land.


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…who fear the Lord but who live in a nation whose deeds do not please God, we have the privilege to proclaim the forgiveness of sins in His name. We are called to proclaim the deeds of the Lord and His forgiveness, so that those who do not know Christ will come to repentance—one person at a time.

What we thought was unfair and unfortunate is actually our purpose and calling—our responsibility and privilege to lift up the name of the Lord for all to see, as a witness, so that His children will come to Him.

He desires that all should come to repentance. (2 Peter 3:9)

A wonderful benefit of revering the Lord and acknowledging Him as King of our life is the promise He makes to us in Psalm 25:13, that our souls will abide in prosperity and our children will inherit the land. What amazing bounty and fruit we have in Jesus Christ!

The Light of His Glory

Notice it says His soul will abide in prosperity. We can live in the peace, joy and abundance of the Kingdom…within.

As we live in that internal prosperity, it becomes obvious to others that the Lord has blessed His people—those who fear Him.

The time is near when those shut out of these blessings will be drawn to the light of Christ in us. It is then we will proclaim His Name, not only from our mouths but from our daily lives. We will be a witness to the Lord’s goodness, even in the midst of difficult times for our nation.

The light of His glory will shine from us in unprecedented ways, and His Name will be honored again. He will be glorified, not because of us, but because of His Great Name.

Study the Bible verse of Psalm 25:13 to enter into your purpose and calling to make the Name of the Lord great.




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