Psalm 103:19 (NKJV)

The Lord has established His throne in heaven, And His kingdom rules over all. 


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Bible Commentary

Psalm 103:19 is a Bible Verse that reminds us exactly who God is.

We may have a lot of questions for God. Why me, why now, why my loved one? Why did this happen? Why did I have to go through that?

If we could only understand the answer, we would be more careful going forward to avoid whatever it was that caused the problem. Tell us why, so we won’t have to go through that again. Sometimes Google just isn’t enough.

Isn’t that what we do as humans? We try to analyze, and figure things out. It’s only natural to pursue the answers to our questions to satisfy our curiosity. But sometimes it’s more serious than just appeasing our curiosity.

Unlocking the Truth – His Kingdom Rules

When we’re in serious pain or confusion over why things happened the way they did, we just need something to make sense, to restore some semblance of order in our own little world.

And then when we read Psalm 103:19,

The Lord has established His throne in heaven, And His kingdom rules over all.

It’s like a father answering his child’s questions. “Because I’m your Dad, and I know best.”

End of story. Enough said.

Let’s think back to our childhood. No matter how many faults our parents had, we didn’t see them as faults. We trusted them completely because…  click to continue



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