Isaiah 54:14 (NASB)

In righteousness you will be established; You will be far from oppression, for you will not fear; And from terror, for it will not come near you.


Bible Commentary

Isaiah 54:14 is a Bible verse in the Old Testament, where the great prophet Isaiah is proclaiming what the Lord’s promises are for the church after the death of Christ.

Because of Christ offering Himself as a substitute for us, we have the opportunity to be righteous in Him. He is altogether perfect and blameless and because He is, as believers we are, too. It is interesting to note that the word “righteousness” in Isaiah 54:14 in Hebrew means: prosperity, justice and virtue.

The qualities of prosperity and righteousness go together. To have lasting prosperity we must be established in the righteousness of Christ. If we have lasting righteousness, we are already prosperous.

The word “established” is a great comfort, since in Hebrew it means: be stable, firm, be fixed. This would denote a permanence, so that righteousness cannot be taken from us.

In Isaiah 54:14, God promises that we will be far from oppression, so that we will not be afraid. This is such a grand promise, yet it is easily missed or disregarded since we are exposed to so much fear, anxiety and stress in life.

The word “oppression” is defined as: to weigh heavily on the mind of; worry; to keep down by the cruel or unjust use of authority. In Hebrew it means: injury, fraud, extortion. This definition lends itself to a more telling explanation that points to the devil as the ultimate oppressor, since he is the father of lies, impostor and thief.

Spiritual Warfare: Oppression

The truth is that oppression is the tool of the devil alone, but this is easily hidden from our eyes because we are so distracted by a fast-moving world, which keeps us out of the truth and the Word of God—the Bible.

The truth is in the Bible along with all of God’s amazing promises for His people, if we will just take the time to seek Him, the Truth, so that we can grow in our faith and receive them.

We don’t have to live under oppression, but we must first recognize where it is truly coming from. Our war is against Satan. Know the promises of God and seek Him for help in spiritual warfare.

In Isaiah 54:14, God also promises that “terror” will not come near us, which in Hebrew means: a ruin, destruction. Note this word is different from the word “fear.”

Terrorism itself is spiritual warfare. It is Satan’s armies fighting against God’s people over the Kingdom of God. God promised us terror would be far from us, but terrorism makes headlines all over the world. Let’s remember God’s promise to heal our land in 2 Chronicles 7:14.

If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

We must unite in faith as God’s people as we claim and believe the promises of God, call on Him and stand firm in the truth, no matter what kind of chaos is going on around us. This applies on an individual level for us personally and on a global level for all of us collectively.

Possess the Promised Land

Another promise of God from Isaiah 54:3 says, “…And your descendants will possess nations And will resettle the desolate cities.

The word “possess” is defined as: gain control over.

The devil is working with great intensity to keep control over the earth, but we have power in Christ according to God’s promises, to possess the nations and resettle the cities that the devil made desolate.

Revelation 12:12 says, “For this reason, rejoice, O heavens and you who dwell in them. Woe to the earth and the sea, because the devil has come down to you, having great wrath, knowing that he has only a short time.

We have such great opportunity and great responsibility as the children of God to increase in the knowledge of Him and believe Him. There is a great cost for not doing so.

Study the Bible verse of Isaiah 54:14, and identify oppression in your life so you can gain victory in spiritual warfare through faith in Jesus Christ.

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