Genesis 1:27 (NASB)

God created man in His own image,  in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.


Verse of the Day

Bible Commentary

Genesis 1:27 is a Bible verse where man is created and described as being made in the image of God. We as a society have bought into the pressure of becoming “Hollywood” beautiful. Many times that means a thin and lean body, tanned skin, whitened teeth and color-treated hair.

If we don’t feel more beautiful than the person beside us, we work harder to win that contest. That’s what we’ve made it—a contest to be more beautiful than someone else. When we win, we can feel better about ourselves, right? That is what we all seem to be striving for—to feel confident, to be on top, to win. Let’s examine that for a moment.

It’s been said that the most important opinion you’ll ever have is the opinion you have of yourself. How we feel about ourselves is a key component to living a fulfilling and happy life and to enjoying healthy relationships with others. Let’s see what God says about this subject.

Going back to the very beginning, Genesis 1:27 says, “God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.”

Before we can be healthy in our own self-image, we must first choose to accept that scripture as the truth and recognize what a powerful and wonderful creature we are, since we are made in God’s own image. We are beautiful to Him.

Unlocking the Truth – You’re the Spitting Image of God

Can you accept your appearance the way you are right now—not after you get in better shape, lose weight, or get a new hairstyle—but the way you are right now?

God accepts you just as you are. You are valuable just as you are. He loves you unconditionally. He loved you the day you were born, and He hasn’t stopped loving you, no matter what memory haunts you from the past. God made you after His likeness, and because He is beautiful, so are you.

If you chose one thing in nature to observe and study, you would be fascinated by the detail and precision of its form, inside and out—whether it be a flower, an animal or plant.

Those things are evidence of Him. Romans 1:20 says, “For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse.”

Accept Yourself

You as a human being are of much higher value than all the amazing creatures of nature (Matthew 6:26). Accept yourself as a worthy, beautiful person. God does.

It is very important to recognize that your body, from the top of your head to the tip of your toes, is a gift from God. Be thankful. Our bodies are perfect the way He made them, no matter what the mirror tells you or what anyone else says.

When we look at our reflection, I understand that it is easier to notice what we don’t like instead of what we do. We compare ourselves to others. And many times, we try to change the attributes we don’t like to look more like someone else.

Please remember that you are a unique person—no other person is exactly like you. Embrace your uniqueness as a gift from God. When you accept yourself, it will be easy for others to accept you. And not only that, but when you accept yourself the way you are, it will be easier for you to accept others the way they are.

Yes, we should take good care of our bodies—including exercise and personal hygiene so we can present ourselves in the best way we can—with the intent to be the best we can be, not to transform ourselves into someone else.

Enjoy a new haircut and go shop for a new outfit from time to time. It is our responsibility to take good care of the gift He gave us. But don’t fixate on a particular part of your face or body that you may not be confident about.

Stand Fast in the Truth

Instead, change your thinking and stand fast—hold your position of faith in the truth—that you are worthy, beautiful and made in God’s image.

Focus on God, believing that because He is beautiful, so are you.

You are incredibly valuable to Him. Repeat these truths to yourself regularly until you begin to accept and believe them. This is the work of faith.

Once you accept yourself and your body you can begin to be thankful for what He gave you, and thanksgiving paves the way through the darkness—the walls of insecurities and a low self-esteem. As those walls come down, you’ll have greater peace and satisfaction about who you are and how you look. Then you’ll recognize God’s beauty in you.

Study the Bible verse of Geneses 1:27 so you can believe the truth and hold firm to it—that God made you in His image. We are a perfect creation in Him.

Verse of the Day


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