3 John 2 (NASB)

Beloved, I pray that in all respects you may prosper and be in good health, just as your soul prospers. 


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Bible Commentary

In this verse, the disciple John is writing to a man named Gaius. The Bible does not tell us who Gaius is although the name is mentioned in Acts 19:29, 1 Corinthians 1:14 and Romans 16:23.

The first part of John’s greeting to Gaius starts, I pray that in all respects you may prosper.

The word “prosper” translates to good journey. John is telling Gaius that he “hopes that in everything he does, he will have a good journey.” Or in today’s language “Gaius, I hope everything is going well for you.”

God wants the best for us, but that doesn’t mean that everything we do will become prosperous monetarily because we are Christians. We are called to live life well and in all that we do, do it to the best of our abilities.

John goes on to wish good health upon Gaius. We all need money to live, but without good health (mentally, physically and especially spiritually), life is a struggle no matter how much money we have.

How is Your Spiritual Health?

John ends verse two by saying, just as your soul prospers. Some commentaries on this verse have asked this question, “What if your financial and physical health were in the same shape as your spiritual health?”

That is a very interesting question!

If you don’t know Jesus as your savior, then your soul is lost and heading towards an eternity in hell (click here to learn how to be saved). Your life can be going great in all areas, but if your soul is lost, then you are literally poor and headed for spiritual death.

Mark 8:36 says this; For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world, and forfeit his soul?

If you are saved but not growing in Christ, then your soul is stagnant. This is like having the nicest car money can buy, but not having gas in the tank. You have this beautiful car, but can’t go anywhere.

To truly live prosperously, we must continually feed our soul. Without growing in Christ, everything becomes stale and without meaning.

Spend time with Jesus, read the Bible, pray and listen. When you do this, you will learn how Christ thinks, loves, forgives and lives the most prosperous life. This is the key to living an abundant life. Study 3 John 2 and follow Jesus Christ to live a prosperous and abundant life.



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