2 Corinthians 5:17 (NKJV)

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.


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Bible Commentary

2 Corinthians 5:17 is a popular Bible Verse that promises us newness of life in Jesus Christ.

After the death of His good friend Lazarus, Jesus told Martha in John 11:25, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live.” The death of Lazarus was an opportunity for Jesus to display His resurrection power–His ability to make things new again. He did just than when He brought Lazarus back to life before their very eyes.

In Revelation 21:5 Jesus says, “…Behold, I make all things new.”

Because He is the fountain of life and the resurrection, when we accept Him into our hearts, His living water washes through our existing life and transforms the old into the new.

2 Corinthians 5:17 says, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.”

Clean and Refreshed

It’s like taking a shower. The clean water washes the dirt away to leave our bodies clean and refreshed. The living water from the Fountain of Life, Jesus Christ, washes through our hearts, leaving our soul and spirit clean, bright and new.

Christ operates at the deepest and original source of life, which is our spirit. We might not see it, or even feel it, but the old has passed away and all things have become new.

How do we recognize this newness, so we can walk in the freshness of new life every day?

The old way of life is difficult to break away from. It’s like walking in peanut butter–sticky and hard to wash off. It begins in our thought life, what we think about and what we’re focused on.

We have free will, so we have the power to control our thoughts. We have the opportunity to become more like Christ in our minds. We already have the tools. 1 Corinthians 2:16 says, “…we have the mind of Christ.”

Think Like Christ

It takes practice, but we can think like Jesus Christ. When we’re operating from the power of the mind of Christ, our whole life can change for the better. We can experience His power and His righteousness.

When we become one with Him in our thought life, we have a different perspective than we had before. This is how old things pass away and all things become new.

When our perspective is new, our thought life is new, and our life becomes new. A righteous perspective gives birth to a righteous attitude. The negative is washed away, and contentment and gladness take its place.

Situations that caused anxiety before don’t move us anymore. Our peace remains because we use the mind of Christ.

Things we overlooked before now become not only noticeable, but beautiful. We have learned to appreciate the small things, and we find that laughter comes easier.

We didn’t even recognize it, but our life has become new since we began following Christ. We’re not the same person. We might live in the same house, have the same job and the same friends, but we are new, thanks to the resurrection and life of Jesus Christ, Who lives in us.

He operates in the background of our lives at the core where our spirit resides, powering the engines, so-to-speak. He helps us throw away the useless, deposit the valuable and file away the rest for a future time.

Nothing slips by Him. He uses everything for our good and for His glory. He turns our ashes into beauty, in His way and in His time. He is the resurrection and the life, and He will be glorified.

Study the Bible verse of 2 Corinthians 5:17, and experience the newness of life in Jesus Christ.

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