2 Chronicles 7:14 (KJV)

If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.


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Bible Commentary

2 Chronicles 7:14 is a consoling Bible verse from the Old Testament we desperately need to hear and obey now in these end times.

It is interesting that God promises to heal “their land.” Back in Genesis, when Cain became jealous and killed his brother, Abel, God said to Cain, “What have you done? The voice of your brother’s blood is crying to Me from the ground” (Genesis 4:10).

Can you just imagine what God hears from the ground (our land) now in this day? There is so much injustice and wickedness, as 2 Chronicles 7:14 says. “Wicked” in Hebrew lists this meaning: bad (physically, socially or morally).

The devil has been very effective at stirring up multitudes of people, and pitting them against each other—groups, nationalities, races and genders. His power of evil, along with the lusts of our flesh make for a very volatile combination. This is what we see daily in the media. It seems impossible to overcome; it is so much bigger than we are.

But thankfully, there is still a God in Heaven Who hears, sees and understands. His mercy endures forever, and oh how we need it!

To Humble Ourselves

The first order of business from 2 Chronicles 7:14 is to humble ourselves. “Humble” in Hebrew means: to bend the knee, bring down into subjection.

We must first recognize the need for God to act. Man cannot save us from ourselves, no matter how strong or how noble. We must submit ourselves to God and acknowledge our need for His supernatural power. Jesus humbled Himself to the point of being tortured and murdered by those He was sent to save. He gave us the ultimate example.

Next, God tells us to pray. How quickly things can change when His people lift their voices and their hearts to Him in prayer. God not only calls us to pray, but to seek His face. “Seek” in Hebrew means: to search out, strive after.

This is more than a just a prayer. It is a way of life. To seek His face is to walk with Him daily, enjoying His companionship—His friendship. He is our Best Friend, and His heart rejoices when we spend time with Him.

Spiritual Nourishment

Next, is turning from our wicked ways—repentance. While we can’t control what those around us do, we can set the example and be an influence. More importantly, we can pray for them.

This kind of prayer gets God’s attention like nothing else—compassion and mercy for our fellow man—not just for those we love, but for those who are unlovable. After all, God loved us when we were unlovable.

Remember how God blessed Job after Job prayed for the three friends who accused him of wrongdoing (Job 42:10).

Then thankfully, we can trust God to be faithful to His promise in 2 Chronicles 7:14—to hear from heaven, forgive our sin and heal our land. May the sound of the prayers of the saints far exceed the cries from the ground.

“Heal” in Hebrew means: to mend, to cure, physician, repair, make whole. In response to our prayers, the Holy Spirit comes to earth with great power to make our land whole again. Just like a doctor treats a person’s sickness, the Holy Spirit treats our parched land with the spiritual nourishment it is so thirsty and hungry for.

Praise God for His unmistakable mercy and steadfast love! Study the Bible verse of 2 Chronicles 7:14, and be encouraged by God’s promise to heal our land.


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