1 Corinthians 13:12 (KJV)

For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then  face to face: now I know in part; but then shall  I know even as also I am known.

Verse of the Day

Bible Commentary

1 Corinthians 13:12 is a Bible verse in the New Testament that compares our current sight, or perception here in the world to sight which is perfect in Christ.

What Paul is saying here in this verse is that our sight, or perception and understanding here on earth is very dim compared to what it will be when we are face-to-face with Him in Heaven.

Even so, as we grow more and more like Christ in our walk of faith, we gain better and clearer sight or vision, even while we are here on earth.

Psalm 36:9 says, “…In Your light we see light.”

The Hebrew definition of the word “light” here means: illumination, clear, happiness, morning.

A lie that we have believed is like a dam that blocks the flow of the living water. Likewise, there are a number of obstacles that hinder the entry of God’s light, blessing and rewards into our life. In order to get past those obstacles, we must first recognize what and where they are, and the best way to do that is simply ask God to reveal them to us.

We are each blinded to certain truths that are hidden in our hearts.

Maybe we know what they are, but we choose not to look at them because they are painful, or in many cases we don’t know what they are because we can’t see them. We see through a glass darkly.


Our blindness to these truths is what hinders us from receiving God’s fullest blessings, which He desires to release into our lives.

Let’s look at an example from your past. Think back to a time when someone mistreated you, maybe accused you of something you didn’t do or cheated you in some way.

Take a moment and think of that time. Does it stir up anger, hurt or resentment? If those emotions are stirred in you, most likely we have identified an obstacle—unforgiveness.

Now, stay with me. Once those emotions surface they can be dealt with, and you can be healed.

Place those painful memories and feelings at the foot of the cross, where Jesus died with His arms stretched out to receive everything hurtful and ugly in your life.

Face to Face with Truth

He took all that pain and ugliness upon His Own body. On the cross, He became sin. Galatians 3:13 says, “Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us…”

Look at the truth that has been buried in your heart, recognize it as an obstacle in your life and give it to Him. This is forgiveness.

Confess with your mouth what you have been harboring in your heart; tell Him exactly how you feel, and that you want to give it to Him so you can be healed. He will help you.

It takes faith and courage to see “face-to-face”! There is great comfort and peace in His healing touch, in forgiveness.

As you accept His forgiveness for your sins, you can more easily forgive others. Study 1 Corinthians 13:12 and enjoy peace and healing in forgiveness.



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