Psalm 45:13 (NASB)

The King’s daughter is all glorious within; Her clothing is interwoven with gold. 


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Bible Commentary

Psalm 45:13 is a Bible verse from a song celebrating the king’s marriage, which describes the inward and outward beauty of the bride. At a wedding, generally the attention is on the bride and her beauty–the bridal gown, veil and bouquet and all her adornment.

It has been a long tradition that guests commend the bride for her beauty. The groom beams with pride as she comes down the aisle to stand by his side at the altar. The scene is complete as they join hands, joyfully looking into each other’s eyes. The couple make promises of faithfulness to each other in the Presence of God and other witnesses. They are pronounced man and wife, and the celebrating begins.

Unlocking the Truth – God’s Glory in Marriage

In Psalm 45:13, the bride is the King’s daughter. As a child of God, the bride is the daughter of God. He created her in her mother’s womb, watched her grow from the time of conception, and now presents her to the groom to be his wife.

She is the apple of His eye. When she marries her groom, he takes on the role of responsibility for her. The role her Dad played in her life now belongs to her husband. He is to provide for her safety, provision and well-being.

As the wife, it is her responsibility to shower her new king with love, respect and affection. (Ephesians 5:23) It is a beautiful and harmonious relationship of God’s perfect order and design.

In Psalm 45:13, the bride is commended for her beauty—inwardly and outwardly. Notice that her inward beauty is commended first.

The King’s daughter is all glorious within; Her clothing is interwoven with gold.

This is God’s perfect order and design for the bride. Beauty from God’s perspective is seen inwardly—the heart and soul. A well-developed spiritual standing produces a beautiful attitude and demeanor, which in turn beautifies the bride outwardly.

In a perfect situation, the bride… click to continue reading


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