Ephesians 5:23 (NASB)

For the husband is the head of the wife, as Christ also is the head of the church, He Himself being the Savior of the body.


Verse of the Day

Bible Commentary:

The most effective marriage counsel is in God’s Word. After all, God designed marriage and He has a lot to say about it in the Bible. God is a Wonderful Counselor (Isaiah 9:6). Ephesians 5:23 gives us His example for a successful marriage through the model of Jesus Christ and His bride, the church.

Many women may perceive this verse and the one preceding it (Eph 5:22 “Wives, be subject to your own husbands, as to the Lord”), as detrimental, like the wife or woman in a marriage relationship is second in line behind the man or husband.

But consider this. God desires and even commands the husband to be a secure covering and protection over his wife, just like Christ is over His bride, the body of believers.

He holds the husband accountable for that responsibility, which is critically important in marriage and in life. Notice I said God holds the husband accountable and not the wife. There is a great peace and satisfaction in our acceptance of this order in marriage. 

Unlocking the Truth – Our Covering is His Glory

There are several definitions of the word “glory” in Webster’s Dictionary: 1) great beauty and splendor, 2) a state of great gratification or exaltation, 3) a height of prosperity or achievement. With these meanings in mind, let’s go back to Genesis.

God put Adam in a deep sleep and opened up his side and took one of his ribs to make the woman (Gen 2:21-22). Adam’s body covered or surrounded that rib until God opened him up and removed it to create his helper, Eve.

That was God’s intended order—for the woman to be covered, protected, by her husband. It’s no secret that a woman’s greatest need is to feel secure, to feel safe—not just financially, but physically and emotionally safe. God created us that way.

Just as the woman was covered (surrounded) by her husband, so was the man covered (surrounded) by God’s glory. It was the perfect line-up, the perfect team. They lived in absolute harmony with God and with one another in the Garden of Eden—happy, safe, peaceful and satisfied—the way He designed and intended.

They shared a lovely, close and intimate fellowship, a friendship together with God—rich and satisfying. There were no fears or anxiety, no shame or embarrassment, no competition or pressure, no guilt, judgement, jealousy or condemnation. Instead, there was complete purity, freedom, harmony and joy between them and between them and God. They were radiant and beautiful with the glory of God, inside and out.

God’s Design for Marriage

As we surrender to God’s perfect design and order in our relationship with Him as it states in Ephesians 5:23, He repairs and restores our marriage. This order is a covering of beauty and delight to Him and of great satisfaction and happiness for us.

We have access to that rich, intimate fellowship with God, that perfect order and harmony that Adam and Eve enjoyed in the Garden of Eden because of Jesus Christ. The rich, abundant life that Jesus came to give is the holy matrimony between us and God, between Jesus and His bride. This is the perfect example and God’s design for marriage.

As each marriage partner aligns themselves with God, submitting to Him in all things, holy matrimony is restored. What if one partner isn’t willing to do that?

Resist the urge to “fix” them. Instead focus on the truth in the Bible for yourself because your attitude and thoughts reflect upon your mate. Let the glory of Christ shining in your life be the inspiration your mate needs.

When we choose to submit to God’s perfect will for our marriage, then we begin to receive the fullness of His promise of health and abundance in our relationships.

Study the Bible verse of Ephesians 5:23 and begin to mold your role in marriage after God’s design. As your marriage begins to heal, you will flourish—individually and together.

More Bible Verses about Marriage and Relationships





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