Peace Stealers

Sermon on Philippians 4:7


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Peace Stealers

by Charles G. Moore

Philippians 4:7 And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

“Peace” is defined as inner contentment, serenity, state of tranquility. Freedom from disquieting or oppressive thoughts or emotions.

We are to live our lives with a confidence, knowing that God gives us peace in all circumstances. We will have times of joy and times of sorrow, but through all facets of life we should always walk in the peace of God’s love.

For today’s lesson, I am speaking to those who have accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior (if you have not accepted Jesus as your savior, Click Here) and have an ongoing intimate relationship with Him.

Being a Christian is tough! We have battles with our own fleshly desires, plus the attacks of Satan and his desire to render us useless for the Kingdom of God.

Song of Solomon 2:15 Catch the foxes for us, The little foxes that are ruining the vineyards, While our vineyards are in blossom.

Here are 3 little foxes that Satan uses to ruin our Godly peace:

1.  Unforgiveness

Matthew 6:14-15

For if you forgive others for their transgressions, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. 15 But if you do not forgive others, then your Father will not forgive your transgressions.

Let’s face it, when someone has wronged us it can be very hard to forgive them. We are hurt and offended and the last thing we want to do is “let them off the hook” by forgiving them.

Ultimately by harboring resentment in our heart, we block God’s peace from our life. Matthew 6:14-15 tells us to forgive others as God has done for us. If we don’t, our father will not forgive us.

How do we expect to live in the peace of God if He cannot forgive us?

We must search our heart and unconditionally forgive and pray for those who have wronged us. By doing so, we allow God to freely work in us and we continue to live in His peace.

2.  Worry

Philippians 4:6

Be anxious about nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Jesus Christ.

Living in constant worry is a peace stealer. We can find no peace in worry, only anguish, anxiety, fear and despair.

At times, life will bring circumstances that cause us to worry. It’s going to happen. But what we choose to do with that worry determines our inner peace. Do we hold on to our worry and fear, letting it grow until it eats at our very soul, consuming us, becoming something so large that it is all we can think about?

Or, do we follow what Philippians 4:6 says and go to God, placing our worries at His feet in prayer and supplication (pleading humbly) and thanksgiving (give Him praise)?

There can be no peace in worry, the two are not compatible. To walk in the peace that surpasses all comprehension, we must trust God with our worries, knowing He will take care of them.

3.  Discontent

One of my favorite songs is The Other Side of the Fence by Johnny Lang. Part of the lyrics say: The grass always looks greener On the other side of the fence, But the dog over there might be meaner On the other side of the fence,

Proverbs 27:20

Hell and destruction are never full; so the eyes of man are never satisfied.

Our peace, joy, and satisfaction is in Christ. God wants to give us the desires of our heart, but only if they align with His plan for us. When we put our fleshly desires ahead of Him, we get out of alignment. Like the front end of a car that’s out of alignment, we start pulling in one direction, which is not God’s direction. We must keep our eye on our side of the fence, because the dog on the other side of the fence is a peace stealer and a snare set by Satan.

Philippians 4:11

Not that I speak in respect of want; for I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am.

Satan has many little foxes designed to steal our peace.

So how do we keep the foxes out?

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