Psalm 91:1 (NKJV)

He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.

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Bible Commentary

Psalm 91:1 is a Bible verse from the Old Testament that imparts security and safety under the cover of our Heavenly Father.

This is a very comforting verse if you are certain that you are one who dwells in the secret place of the Most High. But what does the Psalmist mean when he says “secret place”? If you have walked with Christ for a time, most likely you have come to understand the importance of communing with God—in prayer and by studying His Word, the Bible.

Dwelling in the secret place of the Most High, as Psalm 91:1 says, is a choice we make, a choice of the heart and our will. Some Hebrew meanings of “dwell” are: to sit down, in quiet; to remain, return.

Maybe you don’t faithfully read your Bible every day, but you commune with God. You talk to Him like you talk to a friend. You might not have a scheduled “sit-down” time with Him every day, but you take Him with you each morning.

You are aware of His Presence with you and you speak with Him.

He desires for us to abide under His shadow. It is safe there. He delights in the pleasure of our company and our acknowledgement of His Presence with us.

We have invited Him into our lives, and He is welcome wherever we go, no matter what we’re doing.

This is the secret place.

Unlocking the Truth – We Are Safe

It is a secret to many people because they have not made that choice. “Secret place” in Hebrew means: a cover, disguise, hiding place, protection.

There are many things out in the world—physically and spiritually—that aim for the destruction of Christians. God conceals and even disguises us from our enemies.

His ways are not our ways. We don’t have to hide ourselves; He does it for us, for those who dwell with Him.

No matter how hard we try, we simply cannot protect ourselves from everything that could come against us. God knows who has evil in their hearts against us, and He goes above and beyond to provide protective coverings over us.

He can hide us in plain sight, or He can avert the enemy’s attention. He can bring us into a hiding place, or He can put a stumbling block in the enemy’s path.

He hides us in the clefts of the rock, which is Jesus Christ, even from Himself.

Exodus 33:22 So it shall be, while My glory passes by, that I will put you in the cleft of the rock, and will cover you with My hand while I pass by.

He protects us from ourselves, when we’re trying to forge ahead with something that would cause us harm. Under the Lord’s protective covering, His favor and mercy are endless.

Psalm 91:1 – He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.

No matter what kind of chaos is going on around us, we’re safe in Him. Study the Bible verse of Psalm 91:1 and rest in the assurance of the safety of His wings.



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