Psalm 32:11 (NASB)

Be glad in the Lord and rejoice, you righteous ones; And shout for joy, all you who are upright in heart.


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Bible Commentary

Psalm 32:11 is a Bible verse from a Psalm where King David is reminding us how important it is to rejoice in the Lord.

There are so many places in the Bible, specifically in the Psalms, where we are told to rejoice in the Lord. It’s easy to read over that without really giving it some deep consideration. Are we really happy in Jesus Christ?

First of all, Psalm 32:11 says, “Be glad in the Lord…” Glad in Hebrew means: brighten up, be gleesome, cheer up.

Has anyone ever said to you, “Cheer up!” We can all find so many things to be down about—we all have challenges we are dealing with, not to mention the media is full of depressing news much of the time.

But it is possible to be glad and to be cheerful…in the Lord. We don’t have to mentally stay in the low places where our problems are, or the darkness of the world. Jesus is the light. After all, the very definition of “glad” is: brighten up.

We must get our minds and emotions lined up with Jesus Christ, where the light is. He is where the joy is, too. Nehemiah 8:10 says, “…the joy of the LORD is your strength.”

We can’t analyze it, because the supernatural is beyond our human understanding. But we can believe it and accept it as truth. And eventually, our emotions will line up with our faith.

Let’s take a look at who David is talking to in Psalm 32:11 when he says,

“Be glad in the Lord and rejoice, you righteous ones; And shout for joy, all you who are upright in heart.”

The word “rejoice” in Hebrew means: spin around, be glad, be joyful. And “righteous ones” in Hebrew means: just, lawful, righteous man. If you are a believer in Jesus Christ and have accepted Him as your Saviour, you are a righteous person.

Unlocking the Truth – Shout for Joy

We are just and lawful in Christ. Our union…  click to continue


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