Psalm 118:15 (NASB)

The sound of joyful shouting and salvation is in the tents of the righteous; The right hand of the Lord does valiantly. 


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Bible Commentary

Psalm 118:15 is a Bible verse from the Book of Psalms that declares the goodness of the Lord’s salvation.

If you have ever experienced winning a championship, whether it was your favorite sports team or another competition of some kind, you know the “sound of joyful shouting.”

That’s exactly what Psalm 118:15 is speaking about, except this championship has a far greater impact than anything man could win here on earth. This is a declaration of joyful triumph by those in the “tents of the righteous”.

It is interesting the word “tents” is used, which in Hebrew means: covering, dwelling, home.

We recently discussed the power of the blood of Jesus Christ, which is a covering over those who have accepted Him as Saviour. He is our refuge, a safe haven from the wrath of God because He accepted the punishment for our sins.

Unlocking the Truth – The Lord is Our Champion

We have this protection in Jesus Christ. He is our home, our dwelling, our covering from the storms of life.

Another Hebrew meaning for “tent” is: to be clear, shine. This would make a clear distinction between the tents of the righteous and the tents of the unrighteous.

Those of us who live under the dwelling of the blood of Christ are clear; we shine because Christ lives within us. God sees right through us to the shining light of Jesus Christ, His Son. Because He shines, so do we.

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