Mark 9:24 (NKJV)

Immediately the father of the child cried out and said with tears, “Lord, I believe; help my unbelief!”


Verse of the Day

Bible Commentary

Mark 9:24 is a Bible verse from the New Testament where the father of a boy who had an unclean spirit was crying out to Jesus for help believing.

Jesus had just finished saying to the man that all things were possible to him who believes. The father, desperately wanting his son to be healed, met the truth face-to-face in Jesus Christ.

The truth was that the father had unbelief in his heart, and when he locked Jesus in the eyes, that truth surfaced in Mark 9:24. And when it did, Jesus did not rebuke the boy’s father. He rebuked the unclean spirit.

You see, it was what was hidden that was keeping the boy bound. When God convicts us of something in our lives that needs to be changed, or given up, He heals us so we can live free from the chains that bound us, because He loves us.

But we have to be willing to “give up our demons” so to speak. We can’t give them up unless we’re willing to confess the truth to ourselves and to God that they’re there. We can’t fight something we can’t (or won’t) see.

So how do we tackle those demons hidden in our hearts if we don’t know what they are?

Unlocking the Truth – The Truth Will Find You

·         Start with prayer. If you seek the truth, you will surely find it (John 8:32).

·         Read the Bible regularly. The truth will find you through His written Word. (A devotional book or Bible Study is a helpful aid for daily Bible reading.)

·         Make a decision in your heart that you believe God and believe the Bible is His Word. Don’t worry if your faith is small. Just like Jesus helped the boy’s father in Mark 9:24, He will help your unbelief.

Those chains that bind us only have power over us when they are hidden, or kept in the dark. We know what our secrets are, those things we’re afraid of someone finding out. We may have kept them hidden for years, telling ourselves it’s not hurting anyone. Wrong! It hurts us by keeping us in chains!

Once you get a taste of freedom in the righteousness of Jesus Christ, you’ll never look back at what you gave up. He gives us freedom in the place of guilt, and righteousness where sin held us down. Yes, Jesus Christ is far better.

Matthew 13:45-46 says, “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking beautiful pearls, 46 who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had and bought it.”

Whatever sinful pleasure we give up for the kingdom of heaven, God multiplies back to us in the form of pure and holy pleasure. There is no comparison! When you trust God enough with your secrets, He won’t condemn you but will instead show Himself to be a faithful, loving Father Who will heal you, free you and prosper you.

Won’t you give Him a chance?

Study the Bible verse of Mark 9:24, reveal the secrets of your heart to God the Father so He can gather you with great compassion and heal you.


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