James 2:13 (NKJV)

Mercy triumphs over judgment.


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Bible Commentary

James 2:13 is a Bible verse that underscores the immensity of God’s love and mercy.

We see God’s judgement in the world every day. The sobering effects of disobedience to His commands is staggering. We see and tremble from war stories, both at home and abroad. It is only by His grace that we survive another day.

Many families have lost loved ones due to terrorist attacks, wars and criminal violence. Nations fight against nations; man fights against man. Being born into a sin-cursed world is very risky, and even dangerous.

Even if we live in a land of peace, we have no guarantees we will see one more day. We might feel safe and in control of our lives, but we really don’t have ultimate control. There is only One Who does, and that is our Creator.

The Difficulty of Faith

I understand why it is difficult for someone to come to a place of faith in Jesus Christ. If we only go by what we see in the world, we would probably never be convinced of a Loving God Who created us. But praise the Lord He gives us glimpses of Who He is beyond His judgment.

James 2:13 Mercy triumphs over judgment.

Because His mercy is greater than His judgment, He weaves in the perfect attributes of His whole character into our lives. We don’t live full-time in judgment. We couldn’t bear it.

We might doubt if there is any substance to life at all, until the day we meet Christ. Hand-in-hand with Christ, we discover meaning and purpose. His mercy unfolds in different ways into our life until the day we accept His invitation to enter into a personal relationship with Him. Then the eyes of our hearts are opened up to the immensity of His love for us.

We begin to see in our past the trail of God’s pursuit of us. He has always been there, calling out to us. He was knocking at the door, but we didn’t know it was Him. He is the Perfect Gentleman. He knocks, but waits for us to allow Him entry (Revelation 3:20). He yearns for a personal relationship with us, so we can enjoy those intimate walks in the garden together with Him, in peaceful harmony.

Life takes on a whole new dimension after we let Him into our hearts. He loves us more than we can humanly comprehend. He has so much to give us, so much to show us, and so much to teach us about Who He is. Everything in our world takes on a brighter hue as we discover Who He is.

Acquainted with His Mercy

When we learn Who He is, then we discover who we really are—what we’ve been searching for, and waiting for—our purpose, passion and plan. We can’t know the purpose of our life without a personal knowledge of God the Father because He created us. He is in us and we are in Him.

When we open our hearts to Him, He literally opens our eyes to new life—a life we didn’t know existed before Him (Revelation 21:5). He delivers our souls from dark and murky waters, and from a cold and callous world. (Psalm 116:8) It is only when we allow Him entry into our hearts that we discover what mercy really is. And when we experience mercy, we experience Love–the very heart of God the Father.

He has been waiting for us all along. We can finally believe that as we acquaint ourselves with His ways…with His mercy.

His mercy triumphs over judgment. It always has and always will. Praise His Mighty Name!

Study the Bible verse of James 2:13, open the door and become acquainted with God’s mercy in your life.


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