Breakthroughs–How will Christ Emerge from Your Life?

Testimonies from a Community of Believers


Testimonies from a Community of Believers

I didn’t grow up in church. I grew up in crackhouses in foster care and in the streets. I have no idea what white male privilege is. I’ve been in and out of lock up my whole life…. I’ve heard some people say that giving your life to God and being a Christian is lame and for the weak… That’s a lie. Being a slave to your flesh, then dying and going to hell… that’s wack.

It was easy getting in trouble. It was easy actin a fool and going to prison. It’s easy to get in a fist fight. It’s harder to walk away. It’s easy to sleep around. It’s harder to control the flesh and honor God with your body. It’s easy to get high and drunk. It’s harder to resist the temptation and say no. It’s easy to be a slave to the lusts of this world. It’s harder to abstain from sin and honor God.

Dying to myself and living for Jesus is the hardest thing I’ve ever attempted to do. And honestly I can’t do any of it without the Holy Spirit living in me giving me strength. So whoever told u being a Christian was wack or for the weak they lied to you.

Satan is the god of this world and he wants to make the name Jesus sound wack. Because there is salvation power in the name of Jesus. And he doesn’t want you to know that!

Jesus loves you so much that he gave himself to have you. He died for your sins then rose again on the third day! He is ready and willing to forgive all of your sins if you will put your faith and trust in him.  wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it….. give your life to Jesus! It’s the coolest thing you can do! 😎

Dillon Loving


While many focus during Easter weekend on the salvation of Good Friday or the victory of Easter Sunday, I have always found myself drawn to the faith of the Unknown Day in between.

This year even more so…

It is the Unknown Day that found the disciples uncertain and questioning. All that they had prepared for, their life that was full of purpose & future, their belief that their heavenly Father loved them immensely – all of this was suddenly thrown askew when Jesus died on the cross. “Good” was not what they called Friday…. They knew the Promise of Victory that had been spoken in prophecy and by Jesus himself, but they didn’t know when or how. Faith – Trust – Hope were needed in abundance in their time of waiting.

I have drawn strength over the years in my times of waiting, when I reflect on the day between Good Friday & Easter Sunday. I have found that my understanding of troubles & trials are typically incomplete without Faith, Trust & Hope. I have become confident in the truth of my heavenly Father’s love to change my mess into a message and my test into a testimony!

Today is no different – and this time is even more worthy of my sharing this truth.

Per this virus, humanity finds itself waiting in an uncertain unknown. Troubles of health, finances, & future plans are swirling all around and many are stuck in a holding pattern. It is the purest picture of Waiting… It is the purest need of a true Victory.

I invite you (and remind myself) to stand firm in Faith – Hope -and Trust while you uncertainly wait. I invite you (and remind myself) to draw strength from the Love of the Father who gave his one & only Son that all might have Eternal Life. I invite you (and remind myself) to confidently know that this unknown time does have a promise of Victory for any & all who wait.

Be encouraged this Easter my friend  My prayers for you & yours remain in love always,




God is providing for me,He secures my life and mostly He loves me🙏



God is doing miraculous things to my life each and every day.



Where I have seen God work in my life. When I was about 8 a bus picked me up way out in the country at my grandparents and took me to a vacation bible school being held under a big white tent. My miniature Chihuahua was stepped on by my horse and paralyzed. She could not move at all. I prayed for her and had faith she would be healed. My granddad tried to prevent my disappointment and said she would never walk again, but I assured him she would. I did not know in how long, but just that she would.

Approximately within a week she started walking again. You would never have known anything had ever happened to her. I swear that little dog had at least 9 lives. It was hit by my dad in his car, kicked off my top bunk, stepped on, and it’s grandma bit one eye out.

That little dog stayed with me until in high school when I started dating a guy I was crazy about. and one day she laid down in the yard in the sun and just went to sleep. I know God protected her until that time where I would be okay without her.

The next time really wasn’t until I was going through the divorce of my sons’ dad. I worked for a temp company and the lady asked me to please take an assignment that was really far away and did not pay much. She really wouldn’t take no for an answer. On this temp assignment the manager’s wife was a spirit filled lady. (Then down the road a ways I had a dream of this company offering me a position.) The next morning at court my child support was taken away. I was offered that position I had in my dream that week.

We had to move to a little house next door to my parents because they knew the lady and she charged me very little for rent (favor). The church had a group working on yards and they picked me as to help in my yard. This rent house had fallen trees and branches all over the backyard. The team spent the whole entire day cleaning up the yard so my boys would be able to play in the back & I would be able to mow.

The church called and said they had a few sacks of clothes they thought I could use & I swear they fit me and my boys better than if I had bought them myself. Then the ongoing custody battle was very tiring. I said to myself when I got down at times I wish I remembered that lady’s name from that temp assignment. I was invited to a Bible study on a Wednesday night again  far away and didn’t want to go but my friend said she felt she was to invite me and so I went. Guess who was at that bible study? Yep. The lady I had wished I remembered her name who ended up praying with me through a lot of stuff.

God is good. My car always broke down and I didn’t have the money for repair. I had been praying for a guy friend of mine in church who picked up guys that got out of prison & took them to church for him to get a new car because his didn’t have air and it was hot in the summer. A friend of mine’s daughter asked me if I believed God would provide a free car to someone. I said I’m sure He can do what He wants to do. She then said I would be getting a car like that someday. I thought wow out of the mouth of a child.

About 6 months later the church called & said they had a car being donated to me would I go pick it up. I said what about this guy who takes the guys to church, he doesn’t have air and mine has air. She said they all prayed and did not talk to each other and came out saying it was mine to please come pick up my blessing.

God is so good. So during this time of what I thought was devastation without child support God showed me He was my provider and not my ex. I could lean on and trust in Him. After a time went by of God providing for us this group talked in the front of the church about volunteering at a place downtown Fort Worth in a not so great area for single moms. They said some of these moms had been abused.

I felt like the Holy Spirit kept prompting me to sign up to volunteer and I said, me? And He said yes. So I signed up. This program taught these ladies English, computer and typing skills, how to have interviews, we all gathered clothes for them to wear on interviews and just to wear and for their kids. They had a clinic come out for their medical needs and shots for the kids for school. They provided some groceries, Christmas dinner and a party with gifts and in the summer vacation bible school for the kids.

And we had bible study time and yes I was asked to speak in front of a meeting to them of words of encouragement and I shared my story about God providing and that they weren’t there by accident and He cared about them and had plans for them. God is good. This is all for now. I have seen Him work in so many ways and I’m anticipating ways in which He will in the days to come. Stay tuned. Lol



“There are times we may feel a void in our Christian life as if God doesn’t care or exist. For those who don’t know Him as Lord and Savior, that is what they face every day! He allows His children to go through those times to remind us that there are many that face a void daily and have no hope!.

In those times He is saying to us, “go ye therefore, and teach all nations..” As His child we are to share with the world that they too can know His great love!

Jesus said “come unto me, ALL ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”

Hope is only a prayer away!”



“God’s grace is so amazing that even a sinner like me can feel the
Pure calmness that only He can provide. I just want to praise Him for
being my shelter and always showing me  that my time is not His time.

God will wreck your plans if he sees that your plans will
wreck you. I can see His hand in my life even when I know I don’t
deserve his mercy, He gives it to me anyway.

Never stop acknowledging  his love for you even through tough times. Everything happens
according to His will. Trust in His love for You and then you will see
the beauty of the life He has given you.”



Invitation to Mirror Christ

We at want to invite you to share your testimony, so others can be encouraged about how God is teaching you to be your supernatural self in Jesus Christ. By your submission, you grant your permission for us to publish it on our Facebook Page and/or website. It may be in written form, a painting, drawing or some other creative expression of how Jesus Christ is rising up through you. Message it to us at our Facebook page.

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