About Us


About Us

Daily-Bible-Verse.net was born from an idea from Gene and Janis Varner, parents of Yveatte Moore, who inspired her and her husband, Charles, to put their spiritual gifts to use through an online ministry. Gene and Janis developed their own website that ministers to thousands all over the world through music. They helped Charles and Yveatte build their own website to minister to others, as well.

Investing more than 20 years into traditional church ministry, Charles and Yveatte served in dynamic children’s, youth and college-aged programs and also served as teachers and leaders in the spiritual development of children and young people through an apartment outreach program. Charles served as Deacon and led in men’s ministries, including a weekly basketball outreach program. Yveatte taught and served in women’s ministries and together they taught marriage and relationship classes with an emphasis on personality traits.

Sadly, Charles contracted Covid in early 2022 and after an extensive, bravely-fought battle, left this world to be with the Lord in Heaven on March 9th. Warmly regarded as Cyber Pastor, Charles ministered to many people and some of those came to know the Lord Jesus Christ as their Savior.

Our passion was and still is this: that the Kingdom of God would be raised high for all to see, that people will be drawn to His splendor, glory and perfect love. Song of Solomon 1:4, “Draw me after you and let us run together! The king has brought me into his chambers.” To proclaim His Kingdom so that His bride would come running, that God’s heart be filled and overflowing with the faithful, passionate love of His bride, who has been made ready for Him.

It is my family’s prayer that the Lord uses this ministry to send out the Word of God to bring comfort, hope and healing to everyone who hears and sees His Word.

Charles and Yveatte were married for 37 years and they have two children, a daughter and a son, and one grandson.

Visit their Facebook page – https://www.facebook.com/MercyQuotes.

