Romans 15:3 (ESV)

For Christ did not please himself, but as it is written, “The reproaches of those who reproached you fell on me.” 


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Bible Commentary

Romans 15:3 is a Bible Verse where Paul recites the words of Christ that depict the truth about the burden of oppression.

When we look into the meaning of “reproach” we find evidence of the accuser—Satan himself. In Webster’s, the definition is: to accuse of a fault; shame; disgrace.

Even though Christ won the victory over Satan when He died for us on the cross, Satan has had dominion (authority) over the earth.

Ephesians 6:12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.

Those spiritual forces of evil have a very powerful voice that constantly accuse, condemn and judge the people of the earth. It may be powerful, but very subtle in its approach and attack.

Reproach is like a thick, heavy odor that clings to the air and hovers over us. It comes to us in the form of a passing thought, which makes us feel guilty, fearful or both. It comes in the form of pointing fingers and critical words—from those close to us and from those we don’t even know.

Unlocking the Truth – Who You Are in Christ

It all happens as we’re going through the course of our daily work and activities, so it plays in the background of our life many times without our awareness of it.

As we go through life with the same chorus playing over and over in our ears, it becomes a heavy burden. And then over a period of time, without a healthy clean-out of all the junk that accumulates, the smallest event can trigger an outburst.

All of that guilt and/or fear comes bursting out, either in tears or anger. Or, hidden inside our minds with no release, it can affect the health of our bodies.

The effects of reproach can play a devastating effect upon our relationships and how we function in our day-to-day affairs, too. How we feel about ourselves has a pivotal role in the level of our happiness and contentment.

Reproach drags us down. It can be a gradual decline or like a landslide, it can come all at once.

Look at Jesus’…  click to continue



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